“I immerse you into the water for repentance, but after
me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals
I am not worthy to carry. He will immerse us in the Holy
Spirit and fire.” Matthew,
Understanding that the knowledge of the Law operates the
liberation of minds tied to personalist processes, in
dark strongholds of ignorance and corruption, the
forerunner John the Baptist can be interpreted,
according to his wise and just declarations, with the
very law of justice revealed to his people. Teaching us
that discipline precedes spontaneity.
Thus, with the spiritual enlightenment of our inner
selves, we will acquire sacred values of indulgence
and, in order for us to build on that divine clarity, it
will be necessary to educate the will, to heal secular
psychic illnesses that accompany us through successive
lives. To do this, we need to start with the discipline
of ourselves and the continence of our impulses. Let us
put out, then, the fire of impulsiveness that impels us
to unthinkable acts or the unreasonable complaint and
move forward with the support of constructive tolerance
because if today we are unable to carry out the task
that the Lord has entrusted to us, we will make it
tomorrow with greater difficulties for the necessary
Thus, we will be able to dimension the role of the
precursor John the Baptist, making his paths straight,
preparing the way of the Lord. He himself gave testimony
of what he preached by undergoing beheading to rescue
what he had done when incarnated as the prophet Elijah.
Reincarnation is the way of the great light, so let us
love and work; let us work and serve, therefore, with
each new existence we will take a step on the path of
progress, and we will strip ourselves of all impurities,
when the time comes that we will no longer need the
tests of bodily life. We understand, then, that all
Spirits tend to perfectibility and God provides us with
the means to achieve it with the tests of life on Earth.
When we are conscious, we find in the doctrine of
reincarnation a consoling hope. Love, has its splendor
in the cosmic consciousness, because - as the divine
Light burning in the heart of the creature - it is
capable of transforming everything for the good, in the
sublime and unlimited expansion of potentials,
generating fields of happiness, setting the creative
force of God, that nothing is more than faith, a
powerful and unbeatable force in the vision of the
Spirit that is no longer moved by appearances or games
of personal interests.
Recognizing that every evolutionary effort leads to
value by adding notes of effective learning to classes,
John the Baptist was the missionary of repentance.
However, while respecting the universal order, we must
remember Jesus' teaching on his cousin: "Among those
born from women, no one greater than John the Baptist
was raised, yet whoever is least in the Kingdom of
Heaven is greater than he.". Matthew, 11: 11-14.
John the Baptist was the
voice that cried out in the desert; worker of the first
hour, he was the harsh symbol of the truth that pulls
out the strongest roots in the world, so that the
Kingdom of God prevails in the hearts. He expressed the
austere discipline that precedes the spontaneity of love
and the struggle for the shadows of the path to be
undone. John was the first sign of the active Christian,
at war with the very imperfections of his inner world,
in order to establish in himself the sanctuary of his
realization with Christ. For this reason, Jesus said
about John: “of
those born of women, John the Baptist is the greatest of
He assumed the responsibility of opening the Evangelical
Age to humanity, becoming the symbol of the Christian
who sacrificed himself for the truth and his conscience
framed the evolutionary difference between him and
Jesus. It is incumbent upon us to point out that, in the
rough expressions of his life, he received the
confession of sinners, plunging them, symbolically, in
the Jordan River, while Jesus - the Bread that came down
from Heaven, the Light of the World, the Path, the Truth
and Life - acted out of love and mercy, proposing the
new man (renewal).
Let us wash the Spirit of errors, as we also set out for
reincarnation with the purpose of purifying ourselves,
that is, changing thoughts and concepts for good.
Willing to adopt purposes worthy of repentance, we will
set out for a new life as a Spirit, who still on the
Spiritual plane, surrenders itself confident and
hopeful, to the new endeavor in the reincarnation field.
To repent is to walk to heaven. We learn from Jesus,
that God is present in all the bins of the universe,
especially in the depths of each one. It is true
religion, in which good is done at all times and under
any circumstances and without a specific time. John
prepared the way for Jesus to give us the key to the
Kingdom of Heaven, and to teach us the path to achieve
personal harmony by establishing this kingdom in our
The evangelist John, in chapter 3, verse 30, clarifies:
"It is necessary that he grows and I decrease."
We need to let the Master grow in us, but for that we
need to decrease, that is, adjust the personality to the
standards of love at work, cooperation and simplicity
because the sweet Rabbi is the liberator of our lives
when we are willing to live spontaneously for the good
of all.
John provides us with substantial doctrinal reflections
found today in Spiritism. The Gospel is spontaneity when
personal sacrifice is no longer characterized by
constraint or coercion. The “come to me”, the “be of
good cheer of Christ” are loving appeals, a balsam to
predispose beings from rude evolutionary learning to the
highest and most coherent states in intimate life.
Returning to Matthew in chapter 3, verse 11, we
understand that the plunge into the Spirit, represents
the harmony we have with the purifying stages that
govern us, where the redeemed Benefactors of our earthly
community remain. Fire, contrary to bad human
impressions, is the moral force that burns and
illuminates through the emanation of the pacified
conscience and in the service of God. Able to transform
everything and everyone, promoting as we can see in the
history of Christianity, in which converts voluntarily
became living torches, consuming themselves in love,
renunciation, faith and humility to clarify and renew
the narrow standards of the world.
Even today, enrolled in the school of spiritual
learning, we are daily called upon to reexamination of
the importance of reincarnation, confessing to
ourselves, the mistakes made, feeding the firm purpose
of overcoming them. It is necessary that we activate the
repentance, repairing the errors so that we are not only
left with feelings, but work, because each one will
receive according to his works.
Faced with the proposals that open us up on the plane of
conscience as a result of a guilty past, the Spirit when
engaged in sincere repentance, induced to the renewing
effort, will definitely help in the imbalances of the
soul. Therefore, turning to spiritual interests, valuing
others and changing trends in the effort to improve
intimately, we are adjusting ourselves to the true
roadmap for liberation, characterized by the One who is
the Path, the Truth and the Life.
ABREU, Onofre Honorio - coordination - Luz
Imperecivel (Imperishable Light) - 10th edition
- Editora Uniao Espirita Mineira - Belo Horizonte / MG -
lessons 3,6, 8 and 11 - 2015.
KARDEC, Allan - The Book of Spirits - 16th edition
- Editora FEESP - Sao Paulo / SP - questions 168 and 171
- 2015.
XAVIER, Cândido, Francisco - O Consolador - dictated by
Espirito Emmanuel - 29th edition - Editora
FEB - Brasilia / DF - question 254 - 2013.