The real role
of Allan Kardec in
structuring the spiritist
The theme above is the
central point of the
interview given to us by the
confrere Luís Jorge Lira
Neto, a native of the
Alagoas city of Pilar,
currently based in Recife
(PE). With a degree in
Electrical Engineering and a
postgraduate degree in
Finance and a master's
degree in Economics, he
participates, in spiritist
activities, in the House of
Humbles Spiritist
Association, in Recife, in
which he works as an
Institutional Communication
advisor. In the interview,
he tells us, among other
things, about his research
on Kardec's work. The
article is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight is the
final part of the special
“Mental disorders in
childhood: what Spiritists
should know”, written by
columnist and physician
Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira,
from Juiz de Fora (MG). In
the article, as we saw in
the previous edition, the
author presents and comments
on excerpts from interviews
and presentations on the
subject made by the
physician Tais Silveira
Moriyama, PhD in Psychiatry
in childhood and adolescence
and director of Barraial
Psychiatry Institute, in
Itapira (SP).
On Wednesday, the 30th, EVOC
– Virtual Publisher of The
Comforter published the
e-book Initiation to the
Spiritist Doctrine: 2 -
Moral laws according to
Spiritism, by Astolfo
Olegário de Oliveira Filho.
The e-book now released is
the second volume in a
series consisting of 5
volumes: 1 - General notions
and basic principles; 2 -
Moral laws according to
Spiritism; 3 - Scientific
aspect of Spiritism; 4 -
Philosophical aspect of
Spiritism; and 5 - Religious
aspect of Spiritism. The
e-book can be read or
downloaded free of charge.