Considerations about sex in
light of spiritist teachings
On Earth, man does not have
an exact idea of what
sexuality represents. God
concentrated in this force
mountains of energy that
released indiscriminately
lead man to disillusionment
and wear with great
reincarnation commitments.
With these words begins the
special “Sex before
Spiritism”, by Leda Maria
Flaborea, from São Paulo
(SP). The article is one of
the highlights of this
Another highlight is the
interview given to Orson
Peter Carrara by our
spiritist companion Rodrigo
Raniere de Oliveira, from
Acari, Rio Grande do Norte,
current president of the
Spiritist Group Sementes do
Cristo, in his city, and
sub-coordinator of the
Social Assistance and
Promotion Area of Regional
Spiritist Commission of
Seridó, linked to the
Spiritist Federation of Rio
Grande do Norte.
Thiago Bernardes tells us a
little about the history of
Mansão do Caminho, in
Salvador (BA), which
celebrates on this date
another anniversary of its
foundation, which took place
on August 15, 1952. Founded
by Divaldo P. Franco and
Nilson de Souza Pereira, the
Mansion is the social branch
of the Spiritist Center
Caminho da Redenção. The
article is also one of the
highlights of this issue.