
por Leda Maria Flaborea

Sex in the face
of Spiritism

On Earth, man has no exact notion of what sexuality represents. God concentrated in this force mountains of energy that, released indiscriminately, lead man to disillusionment and strain regarding the great reincarnating commitments. The joys of sexuality should not be condemned or exaggerated. Like everything God has done, it must fit into the Law of Balance.

Nothing is wrong with the divine work; thus, sexual union represents divine manifestation when spiritual conditions and biological goals are followed.

Biological Objectives - The Spirit has no sex. On the physical plane he is typified as a man or a woman depending on the tasks he has come to perform. It is the opportunity that the Spirit has to develop through the reincarnating process. It is through sex that the home is established, families are expanded and the joys that revitalize affection and spiritual stimuli are performed. It is the exchange of hormones and active magnetic principles (circuit of forces) through which both feed psychically.

Spiritual Conditions - Along with this exchange of material elements, we find another one of subtler vibrations and vitalizing spiritual elements that both supply in the necessary balance of worthy affective unions.

“Sex is spirit and life at the service of the happiness and harmony of the Universe”.1 It demands responsibility and discernment; and it is necessary for everyone to understand that sexual life commitments are subordinated to the Law of Cause and Effect

Misfit Marriages - Through higher level programs, the most important association in its educational and regenerative function is established on Earth: the family. It is there that all those still rooted in past lives are reunited for the adjustments and readjustments, each becoming the necessary instrument for the improvement of the other.

Often, this family structure is not prepared to assume the care commitments of one to the other and both to the children. Immature beings spiritually fail when they are called to work in the education sector. What should be a blessed school for the exercise of the law of love, turns into a “magnetic spine of contradictory vibrations” caused by jealousy, rebellion, narcissism and often cruelty of all shades.

a) sexual attraction

In the entire Universe, the force that unites the elements of matter, be they organic or inorganic bodies, is the same. Sexual energy is in essence what constitutes and sustains all creatures; therefore, it is inherent in life itself.

Unconscious in primitive beings and in all creatures that insist on remaining at the level of brutes, only through evolution will they be able to understand that this magnetic charge involves the imperative of discernment and responsibility in its use. Any abuse will cause harm, if it is not controlled by moral values, either in the creation of new bodies (constitution of the family), or in the creation of scientific or artistic works. The artists become corrupted by the abuse of the vicious imagination, resulting in painful reincarnation with diseases and mutilations that prevent them from falling into the same mistake.

In any case, the irresponsible use of creative energy will lead to reincarnation with diseases that inhibit genetic functions as a means of containing the lower impulses of the passions. Andre Luiz reminds us that the misuse of sexuality, when it comes to love on Earth, gradually wears away the brain cells of the perispirit, leading man to the fast path of imbecility.

b) Polygamy vs. Monogamy

Man moves from polygamy to monogamy, but still carries sexual stimuli that demand education and sublimation. This continuous walk of repair and relearning for the acquisition of the necessary discipline of the affective world of each one, makes us understand the importance of the reformulation of thought around sex, whether in the transmission of teachings or in the practice of this evolutionary experience, with the sublimation of all the energetic potential that it involves.

In the preface of the book Vida e Sexo (Life and Sex), Emmanuel gives us the guidelines of this process, reminding us that every struggle, to be profitable, must always start again with the awareness of the commitments assumed and the persistence in its realization. Here are the guidelines he proposes to us:

“Not a ban, but education.

Not imposed abstinence, but decent employment, with due respect for others and yourself.

Not indiscipline, but control.

Not free impulse, but responsibility”.

-      c) Divorce

-      Without just cause - when one of the partners breaks, without just cause, the emotional balance that is established between the two, through the circuit of forces, harms the other. If what has been harmed does not have superior explanations to defend it from aggression, the lack of control can lead to acts that could verge on criminality. In such cases, human justice reaches only the social offender, but Divine justice also reaches the offender of the Law of Love.

-      With just cause - the choice for married life is often made by the Spirit himself. In the sense of being able, on Earth, to adjust past debts with the other, he does not always find resources to fight against the moral or physical dilapidation, or both, to which he is subjected. When you reach that border, divorce is necessary so that external measures do not complicate your journey any more. “There are no bondage obligations for anyone on the moral foundations of Creation”.(Life and Sex, 16)

In both cases, Emmanuel warns us of the following: if there are children, that there is no waiver of the duty to support these creatures: and that, the despised partner makes a careful review of their own behavior to verify the extent to which they will have caused the breakup - today we are victims; yesterday, executioners. And, in any result that comes to this inner review, unconditionally forgive the offender.

The Divine Commandment to love one another will certainly, one day, be printed on the conscience of each being.


Voluntary abortion is a crime under the Divine Laws and is an escape from duty. Its most immediate consequence is the annulment of an existence, with the Spirit having to restart the process for its return to corporeal life.

Another consequence is the reincarnating process of great suffering for those who practice abortion, as well as disincarnating and painful stays in erratic planes; for those who need to remain in corporeal life, the emergence of “diseases of obscure etiologies and of obsessions that can be catalogued in the pathology of the mind, occupying vast departments of hospitals and prisons”.1 However, when life is at risk for the mother, Spiritual Benefactors teach us that it is preferable to save the being who is already on task, than the one who is preparing to begin one.

Parents and sons

Reflecting on item 9, of Chapter XIV, of The Gospel according to Spiritism: “Ingratitude is one of the most direct fruits of selfishness. It always revolts honest hearts. But that of children towards their parents is even more horrendous”, the Friend Advisor warns us that, if the relationship between parents and children is important, as it is up to them, from an early age, special care for their integral development, children also owe special attention to their parents.

They are free consciences, connecting themselves in the world for the due improvement caused by debt redemptions, readjustments and evolution, each carrying past experiences. But the children ought not to accuse their parents for the difficulties of their existences, since “they were themselves, the children, who, in the condition of disincarnated Spirits, insisted with their parents, through affectionate embarrassment or serious obsessive process, to bring them to the physical body, an instrument they needed for new redemptive experiences”.


The study of this issue does not find any psychological basis in material-based specialties. Its understanding is only possible in the light of reincarnation.

Prejudice, in view of the heterosexual majority that constitutes society, does not see the need for attention and respect for these creatures, to the same extent that the so-called "normal" need. Morphological signs are indicative, still on Earth, of masculinity and femininity, men forgetting that such a concept does not define the dignity of the human being, nor his task aimed at the good or not of the collectivity.

For millennia, the Spirit goes through reincarnations, changing the morphology of its material body, with a view to experiential needs, which shows us that bisexuality, to a greater or lesser degree, is present in every man and woman without necessarily having an absolute psychological characterization. Thus, many traces of these conditions can arise when the Spirit wears a body different from the one in which he was during so many incarnations enclosed, many times, not only to fulfill the specific duties of tasks specific to the body, but also in regenerative tasks. For example, the man who abused sex by ruining the existence of other people, either by destroying constructive unions or from different homes, will be reborn in a female body and psychologically opposed to that body, in prison and to learn to readjust his own feelings. In the case of the woman who makes the same mistakes, reincarnation will be in body with male morphology and psychologically contrary to it. These bodies are true armor against drift that would make it difficult for them to reach the proposed objectives.

Regarding sex and love, the mistakes and successes of any one of us will be analyzed by Divine Justice and Mercy. One day the human being will learn to understand that everyone is trapped, with regard to the evolution in this area, to their own conscience.

Abstinence and Celibacy

With regard to sex, it manifests in two ways:

a) Voluntary choice - for improvement or service with the purpose of being useful to Humanity, although they may have an affective communion. In these cases, sex becomes sublimated and sexual energy is channeled towards other goals. This spiritual obligation that is imposed does not mean indifference or anesthesia of feelings. Examples include Jesus, Chico Xavier, Mother Theresa of Calcutta and many others.

b) Compulsory due to various inhibitions - from a spiritual point of view it is selfishness. In relation to religion, ordinances and measures of an external nature do not change anyone's intimate world; and realizations of faith only happen after many inner struggles.

The question is: How can we demand the extinction of the genetic stimuli of someone because he consecrated himself to the Divine Service of the Faith, when those same stimuli are ingredients of life and evolution, created by Divine Providence to sustain and elevate all beings? The answer only comes when we turn our eyes and minds to the choices that each being makes, as evidence, when entering a new earthly experience.

Erotic Load

The sexual instinct is born with life and guides the evolutionary process of man. From existence to existence, the human being advances, educating and readjusting his genetic impulses, according to the superior laws that govern life. This energy, far from destroying it, serves as a transforming and elevating element towards perfection.

Everyone shares in love. From brothers imprisoned in the cells of idiocy, due to expiatory tasks embraced or requested by themselves, to the vast majority of incarnated and disincarnated Spirits, who on the evolutionary scale share the same difficulties and tests of this kind; or, still, of sublimated Spirits that are attracted to each other, by bonds of love considered divine.

In conclusion

In the human body, sex acquires such importance that the mental cruelties that we practice, relegating it to low levels of conduct, will accompany us with its effects, beyond the grave, and we will have no rest until we end our readjustment service.

In view of the mistakes we have made and which we will certainly still make, it is better to refrain from judging, censoring and condemning anyone. Let us put ourselves in the place of the bankrupt partner and, analyzing our own feelings, try to see if we are in a position to blame him.

Emmanuel reminds us that “in the face of sex, we are not in any way at the head of a cliff into darkness, but before the living source of the energies in which the Wisdom of the Universe located the laboratory of physical forces and the plant of spiritual stimuli more intense for the execution of the tasks that we espouse, in a regime of mutual collaboration, aiming at the achievement of progress and improvement among men”.

Each one of us brings with us, when not “angelized” or blocked by creative inhibitions, sexual desires that only “in the fields of experience, making mistakes and getting it right with more certainty, than each one of us - the children of God in evolution on Earth - will be able to sublimate the feelings that are our own, in order to lift us up definitively for the conquest of celestial happiness and Universal Love”.1



1 - XAVIER, F. C. Vida e Sexo (Life and Sex), dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel - 13th edition - Editora FEB - Rio de Janeiro / RJ - pp. 10, 16, 76 and 104.

XAVIER, F. C. and Waldo Vieira, Sexo e Destino (Sex and Destiny), dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz – 16th edition – Editora FEB – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – pp.10,16,76 and 104.

XAVIER, F. C. Ação e Reação (Action and Reaction), dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz – FEB, 12th edition – Editora FEB – Brasilia/DF.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita