
por Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos

"Peace be with you"

How many people in this world truly enjoy inner peace? Certainly not many. After all, a series of problems and difficulties make our lives, on the whole, uneasy. And it is not possible to disconnect from them, as they permeate – whether we like it or not – our existence. The most we can do is to adapt to circumstances and, as far as possible, control our emotions so that they are not harmful to ourselves. In addition, it is necessary to recognize that we live in an era of extreme disruptions - some freethinkers use, to better define it, the English acronym VUCA, which when translated into our language means volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity - which make our life increasingly restless. It is also worth remembering that the pandemic generated by Covid-19 only increased this state of uncertainty and collective malaise. That said, we are living here for many reasons and one of them is the need to raise our consciousness, since we are immortal Spirits in a momentary journey through the material dimension.

It should be emphasized that there are, finally, millions of things that affect us – especially negatively – at present and over which we have no influence or control. Despite this, we need to move forward, regardless of the storms that might reach us on the cleansing path. More specifically, we need to build strengths as well as develop new capabilities and skills to reach the goals carefully outlined by spirituality on our behalf. This is a fight that will last our entire lives, let us be sure of that. Within this set reality, we need to have inner peace equally – despite the ups and downs. In this sense, let us remember Jesus who kept peace – fruit of His pure and unshakable faith – in the midst of the storm that threatened to overturn the boat. Therefore, it is important to understand that keeping inner peace is certainly one of the greatest spiritual acquisitions an individual can garner. Perhaps it is for no other reason that the Spirit Emmanuel said: “It is natural. Our minds thirst for peace, as dry land needs cold water”. [1] We cannot imagine, therefore, that this need is limited to one or the other exclusively. In fact, the “thirst for peace” reaches everyone without distinction. It goes far beyond eventual material needs when reaching the core of being. As we know, there are creatures in this world living in sumptuous palaces, surrounded by security guards, servants and objects of high monetary value. Absolutely nothing they lack from the point of view of material well-being. However, they suffer from lack of peace, because their souls live in a stormy state.

Extending the discussion even further, the Spirit Joanna de Angelis considers that:

“The problem of peace, however, receives approaches, almost always, with immediate results, confusing reality as the opium of rest, the lethargy of idleness or the sweet enchantment of circumstantial phenomena: landscapes, postures, music, conversations.

“Without a doubt, these factors can lead to states of well-being, renewal of forces, of aesthesia.

“Once past, however, its effects, conflicts and torments erupt, unmet needs arise, disenchantment with people and tasks, which now seem to no longer correspond to what was desired, take hold in the mind”. [2]

Allan Kardec pondered, in turn, that, after the development of intelligence, the human creature needs to elevate their feelings, thus destroying all traces of pride and selfishness that they still have within themselves. In other words, given the material needs and obtained the well-being in this dimension, a conquest, in fact, normally accomplished by the development of the intellect, necessary if it is to achieve moral progress. For Kardec, “19. Only moral progress can ensure men happiness on earth, curbing evil passions; only this progress can make harmony, peace and brotherhood reign among men”. [3]

Considering the human dramas, Kardec recommended that:

 “27. In order for men to be happy on Earth, it is only necessary that good Spirits populate it, incarnated and disincarnated, that only dedicate themselves to the good. When the time has come, there is a great emigration of those who inhabit it: those who practice evil for evil, not yet touched by the feeling of good, who, no longer worthy of the transformed planet, will be excluded, because otherwise they would again cause disturbance and confusion and would be an obstacle to progress. Some will expiate the hardening of their hearts in worlds that are inferior. Others in terrestrial races still backward, equivalent to worlds of that order, to which they will take the knowledge they have acquired, having as a mission to make them advance. They will be replaced by better Spirits, who will make justice, peace and brotherhood reign in their bosom”. [4]

Unfortunately, there are still very disturbed individuals on Earth who devote all their forces, energies and intelligence to destroying the peace of their fellow men. Many of them, by the way, are endowed with enormous intellectual resources, but they use this sacred capacity to spread despondency and unhappiness. They show, in doing so, that they do not have moral credentials that would enable them to continue living in a regenerated world. As perverted souls, they need bitter remedies in order to understand the purposes of life, as well as to conquer their inner peace.

Furthermore, I wonder, in this sense, how much must suffer those individuals who abuse their temporal power, the authority of their positions, the misuse of their intelligence, their distorted beauty, their material wealth obtained at the expense of exploitation of others, of their speech without due ethical counterweights or of healthy attitudes, when the dormant forces of conscience awaken them? It can be said that the loss of inner peace resulting from the harm done to others must hurt them bitterly. Many, unfortunately, will need a long time to retrieve it. Perhaps even countless incarnations are essential for this.

Therefore, obtaining peace, by the way, is a beneficial, serene and powerful achievement, since it gives the individual full control over himself. In this sense, it is a vital achievement for the creatures that head towards achieving a perfect harmony with the highest. Not by chance, the apostle Peter recommended us to seek and follow it (1 Peter, 3: 11). Advancing on the subject, the Spirit Emmanuel clarifies that “Without peace, within us, we will never reach the circles of true peace”. [5] It is, then, a sine qua non condition for reaching the summits of spirituality.

For Emmanuel, “Peace is not indolence of the body. It is the health and joy of the Spirit” [6]. In his view, the act of living is something ordinary considering that it encompasses everyone, but being able to live in peace is the glory of a few. That said, there is no other way to be able to live in peace without having a clear conscience resulting from the constant practice of fair and honest actions and behaviors. Therefore, inner peace is sustained by the correctness of our deliberations and initiatives. Thus, whoever uses the word to hurt others or to spread untruths, whoever deliberately disrespects his brothers on the journey, whoever turns his back on brotherhood and solidarity, whoever engages in the practice of evil, in short, is certainly conspiring against his own spiritual well-being.

Finally, whoever does not pursue the compass of good, as highlighted above, does not obtain peace. As much as the individual comes to anesthetize on his mental screen the unfortunate consequences of his mistakes in life, justifying them as “normal”, such an intention will not last forever. We will all give an account of our works to spirituality sooner or later.

If we act motivated by right and fair, nothing bad will reach our inner temple. Otherwise, if we are motivated by obscure reasons, the gall of remorse will likely eat away at us, destroying our inner peace. Therefore, let us keep in mind that:

“Our life does not consist of numerical wealth of things and graces, nominal acquisitions and outward titles. Our peace and happiness depend on the use we make, where we are today, here and now, of opportunities and gifts, situations and favors, received from the Highest” [7].

Therefore, it becomes imperative to study our personality, meticulously search our thoughts and listen to our behavior in order to discover what they, in fact, express of our being. There are people who carry an authentic volcano in their intimacy, ready to erupt at the slightest sign of annoyance. Not infrequently, they distil venom and belligerence against their fellow men for nothing. On the other hand, Spiritist literature provides secure means for self-knowledge and self-help. The abundant and blessed published material can help all those who really want to know themselves, to identify their shadows and the causes of their malignancies. Furthermore, this source of knowledge bequeathed by superior spirituality can help individuals to recover their inner peace, providing them with tools that allow them to see their weaknesses clearly, and what to do to overcome them.

Following this line of thought, the Spirit Joanna de Angelis proposes that we study the Spiritist lessons, in order to free ourselves from our spiritual ignorance. In fact, our need for spiritual literacy has not yet become a priority issue for human hearts. Indeed, it is for no other reason that so many overlook such significant opportunities for inner enrichment. Unfortunately, many roam this world without realizing their real origin and what awaits them beyond the grave. Their minds do not see the probability of the continuation of life after death. For them, spiritual reality is a chimera. Death thus sounds to them simply as the end of everything.

However, as researcher and writer Dr. Steve Taylor observes, spiritual force is a concrete phenomenon, of tangible quality, and thus capable of being perceived by people [8]. Perceiving it, therefore, only requires the activation of our sensitivity and sense of observation, not to mention the use of logic in our reflections. Understanding the spiritual question and its unfolding is something that is within the reach of any minimally inquiring mind.

In any case, as Joanna de Angelis rightly observes, “Each Spirit is what it learned, what it accomplished, what it conquered. It will not be able to offer resources that it does not have nor free itself from the pains and tests that it cannot get rid of [...]”. [9] This being the implacable reality, then, it is up to each one of us to ensure the acquisition of liberating knowledge. Following this reasoning, Emmanuel wisely recommends:

“When we know how to keep the connection with the Divine Peace, despite all human disturbances, forgiving as many times as necessary to the partner who hurts us; forgetting evil to build good; sincerely supporting those who annoy us; cooperating spiritually, through action and prayer, for the benefit of those who persecute and slander us; forgetting our private desires to serve on behalf of all; guarding faith in the Supreme Power as an inerasable light in the heart; persevering in constructive goodness, though a thousand strokes of wickedness beset us; denying ourselves that divine blessing may shine around our steps; carrying our difficulties like heavenly gifts; receiving opponents by instructors; blessing the struggles that perfect our soul, at the head of the Greater Sphere; converting the earthly experience into barns of joy for Eternity; uncovering opportunities to serve everywhere; understanding and always helping, without the concern of being understood, and helped; loving our fellow men whom we have been loved by the Lord, without expectation of reward; then we will know the spirit of truth in us, and the road to divine redemption will light up.”[10]

For all these reasons, reaching peace is a highly significant achievement. This peace, as Joanna de Angelis elaborates, generates great happiness for its bearer, because “...it has the dynamic of overcoming obstacles and promoting good, in a conscious battle of light against darkness and love against evil”. [11] Indeed, happiness cannot be obtained without the foundation of peace. Therefore, without inner peace, we are left with suffering. Furthermore, it also has the power, as the noble benefactress asserts, to generate balance and health, since it provides the essential elements for the individual to enrich on the inner plane, as well as develop the ability to see life in a positive light. [12]

In general, peace brings luminous states to the individual, but also many challenges, as observed in the mediumistic messages below:

"So, in any circumstance of time or place, in a clear sky or a gloomy firmament, in health or illness, in achievement or in fall, in power or dependence, among friends or foes, for your fullness and perfect peace, love much more and it always extends more love because only love has the essential substance to translate the reality of the Father in our lives”. (Joanna de Angelis) [13]

“It is therefore indispensable to renew the concept of peace in the mind of man, in order to adjust him to the mission he was called to carry out in the divine work, in favor of himself.

“To keep peace in Christ is not to stop the peace of the world. It is finding the eternal treasure of blessings in the obligations of each day. It's not running away from service; it is to accept it where, how and when it determines the will of the one who continues in redemptive action, with us, throughout the Earth”. (Emmanuel) [14]

“May our activity, within life, bear much fruit of peace and wisdom, love and hope, faith and joy, justice and mercy, in decent and constant personal work, because only in this way will the Father be glorified by us and only in this condition we will be disciples of the Crucified and Revived Master”. (Emmanuel) [15]

"In any process [concerning the search for self-fulfillment and peace], however, the being will always play a fundamental role for his own recovery, such as self-awareness, the conquest of the Self, so that real health and legitimate peace install themselves on the existential panels, providing him with the full joy of living”. (Joanna de Angelis) [16].

In any case, when Jesus – just after the sad events of Golgotha ​​– appeared in the midst of his apostles and followers, fraternally greeting them with the peace of His heart, He fulfilled not only the promise that he would not leave them helpless. He also showed that inner peace provides its bearer with an immovable tranquility in consciousness. If Christian ideas have already penetrated our soul, let us work to preserve our inner peace by acting and doing good today and always. I don't know any better way to obtain happiness.


Bibliographic Notes

1. Xavier, F.C. Path, Truth and Life. 7th edition. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). FEB: Rio de Janeiro, 1978, p. 351.

2. Franco, D.P. (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). Light of Hope. 4th edition. Rio de Janeiro: F.V. Spiritist Publishing Association Lorenz, 2012, p. 137.

3. Kardec, A. Genesis, miracles and predictions according to Spiritism. 53rd edition (digital). [Translation by Guillon Ribeiro]. Brasilia: FEB, 2013, p. 366.

4. Ibid. for. 359.

5. Xavier, F.C. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). Our Bread. 15th edition. FEB: Brasilia-DF, 1992, p. 142.

6. Xavier, F.C. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). Living Source. 18th edition. FEB: Brasilia-DF, 1992, p. 186.

7. Xavier, F.C. Path, Truth and Life. 7th edition. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). FEB: Rio de Janeiro, 1978, p. 346.

8. Taylor, S. Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World. London: Watkins Media, 2018, p. 42.

9. Franco, D.P. (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). Evangelical Flowerings. Belo Horizonte: Editora G. Holman, 1972, p. 30.

10. Xavier, F.C. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). Living Source. 18th edition. FEB: Brasilia-DF, 1992, p. 231-232.

11. Franco, D.P. (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). Optimism. Salvador: Leal, 1988, p. 86.

12. Ibid. for. 133.

13. Franco, D.P. (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). Evangelical Flowerings. Belo Horizonte: Publisher: G. Holman, 1972, p. 140.

14. Xavier, F.C. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). It came from light. 4th edition FEB: Rio de Janeiro, 1977, p. 326.

15. Xavier, F.C. (By the Spirit Emmanuel). Living Source. 18th edition. FEB: Brasilia-DF, 1992, p. 106.

16. Franco D.P. (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). The Awakening of the Spirit. 4th edition. Salvador: Leal, 2000, p. 206.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita