Reconciliation is possible
with reincarnation and
This is one of the aspects
of the plurality of
existences highlighted by
our collaborator Americo
Domingos Nunes Filho in the
Special “Talking about
reincarnation”. When
creditors and debtors meet
again on the stage of
physical life, the
opportunity for
reconciliation with one
another, to which Jesus
referred, becomes feasible.
The columnist also tells us
that references to
reincarnation are very old
in our world and well before
the advent of Christianity.
The article is one of the
highlights of this issue.
Another highlight is the
interview that Maria das
Graças Ribeiro Lazarini,
from Três Rios (RJ), gave to
our collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara. A pedagogue and
retired teacher, she
participates in the
activities of the Spiritist
Faith and Hope Group (GEFE),
of which she is the current
president. In the interview,
she tells us about her
initiation into Spiritism
and about the art of
serving, which the spiritist
teachings so encourage and
recommend to spiritist
It was founded on June 5,
1947, the Union of Spiritist
Societies of the State of
São Paulo (USE) celebrates
its 75th anniversary today.
Its creation was the result
of the 1st State Spiritist
Congress, held from June 1st
to 5th, 1947, in which 550
state institutions and
leaders from all over the
country participated. At the
end of the Congress, around
5,000 people were present at
the Pacaembu Gymnasium. Ana
Moraes tells us, in a
special material, how this
had happened.