Letter to the reader

Year 16 - 796 - October 30, 2022

The transformation of the world goes through our own transformation

The idea contained in the sentence above is from our interviewee, Maurício Cordeiro Mancini, born in Rio de Janeiro and currently residing in Seropédica (RJ). Doctor in Chemical Engineering and professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, he is a speaker and spiritist author, working at the Paulo de Tarso Spiritist Center in his city, where he coordinates the departments of Doctrinal Affairs and Mediumship Guidance.

“Allan Kardec and the question of the moment of connection of the Spirit to the body” is the title and theme of the Special written by Paulo Neto, one of the highlights of this edition. In the article, which was divided into two parts, he shows the evolution of Kardec's thinking about the moment when, in the act of reincarnation, the soul joins the child's body. The final part of the article will be published in our next issue.

The esteemed friend Apparecido Belvedere passed away on September 24, at the age of 95, who stood out in the spiritist environment for the work he carried out for several decades as the responsible director and editor-in-chief of Casa Editora O Clarim. He was born in Bariri (SP), in 1927, he became a spiritist in the 1960s, the journalist Cássio Leonardo Carrara tells us about him in a special article.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita