
By Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos

The excesses of human “justice”

The heavenly law of justice is well explained in Allan Kardec's seminal work, The Book of Spirits. In question no. 875, the Encoder asks the spiritual entity that assisted him in the elaboration of the lapidary book: “How can justice be defined?” The answer is thought provoking: “Justice consists in each one respecting the rights of others”. Note that it does not address or allude to technical issues, nor does it use a hermetic phrase. On the contrary, it simply highlights the essence of the subject by using the verb to respect – a vital resource, by the way, for the construction of a truly dignified, harmonious and balanced society. Indeed, where there is no respect, there is also no justice.

Having said that, it is worth remembering that the role of justice has been widely criticized in our country in the present times because of the arrogance of the magistrates when interpreting the law without the due legal support enshrined in the Constitution. Not without reason, many eminent jurists, some more enlightened sectors of the press and prominent members of society have pointed out the dangers arising from the jurisprudence aristocracy that now rages in our shores.  The result of such excesses could not be worse for the citizens, as their rights to be able to freely express themselves are slowly being taken away from them. After all, nowadays, a simple conversation between friends or relatives through WhatsApp, for example, can be subject to severe legal implications for its participants if the judicial authority so deems it.

Returning to Kardec and his work cited above, he deepens the subject even further according to the answer given to question no. 877: “[...] in your world, because most of the men do not practice the law of justice, each one uses reprisals. This is what causes the disturbance and confusion in which human societies live. Social life grants rights and imposes reciprocal duties”. In fact, the practice of justice in our world is still imperfect, not least because its executors - people equally susceptible to serious behavioral defects - are also unable to operate it satisfactorily, given what is in force today in our country, as well as in other nations on the planet.

Certainly little used to spiritual things, otherwise, they would be more careful in the exercise of their profession. They do not see the harm they are causing not only to others, but also to themselves. They do not realize that “All reality is that of the Spirit and all peace is that of understanding the Kingdom of God and His justice”, as the Spirit Emmanuel argues, in the book On the Path to Light (a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier).

Seeking a careful examination of such a delicate topic, Kardec inquires in question no. 874: “Since justice is a Law of Nature, how can it be explained that men understand it in such different ways, considering some fair what to others seems unfair?” Moreover, the answer provided could not be more enlightening: “It is because passions are mixed with this feeling that alter it, as happens with most other natural feelings, making men see things through a false prism”.

It follows, then, that the interpretive distortions of the agents of justice arise mainly from false or mistaken premises, which makes the application of the law confusing or, even worse, malicious. In his comments to question no. 521, the Encoder of Spiritism observes “[...] by making justice reign in its bosom, men fight the influence of evil Spirits. Wherever the laws enshrine unjust things, contrary to Humanity, the good Spirits are in the minority and the crowd that flows from the bad ones keeps the nation clinging to its ideas and paralyzes the partial good influences, which are lost as a whole, like insulated ears of corn between thorns. [...]”.

Therefore, we conclude that less edifying emotions and feelings still permeate the decisions made by many justice operators in the world. Specifically these, by implementing injustice, are actually doing the bidding of evil entities, who try to impede progress in every way. Otherwise, if they chose to scrupulously follow the legal rules of law and justice, they would do an enormous spiritual good to society as a whole and to themselves. However, ignorant of the divine codes, and with no propensity for self-illumination, they sink into the cliffs of carelessness and bad faith that will exact a heavy toll on them at the right time.

In the work Açtion and Reaction, dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz (a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier), an important selected entity of choice, the Spirit Druso, ponders the following. “[...] All souls already aware of truth and justice are – for this very reason - responsible for the edification of good. Moreover , if on this Earth they slip into this or that crime, and are inattentive to the noble duty that the world assigns to them, after the death of the body, they stay in these places [of deep suffering] for days, months or years. There they reconsider their attitudes, before the reincarnation for which they are responsible for embracing it, for the readjustment as soon as possible”.

The respected spiritual mentor also adds: “[...] The Divine Law, based on unfailing justice, works with equality for all. For this reason, our consciousness reflects the darkness or light of our individual creations. The light, clarifying our vision, opens up the road to us. The darkness, blinding us, shackles us to the prison of our errors. [...]”. It happens, however, that the majority do not pay attention to this imperative of divine justice and, thus, they gorge themselves on the banquet of perversity, not paying attention to the fact that the divine law observes everything. Therefore, diminishing opportunities to do well through work (and the reasoning is equally valid for those who perform their functions in the plane of human justice) will certainly bring enormous inconvenience to being errant.

In fact, the report below in the book Tales and Fables, chapter Justice from Above, by Brother X (also a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier) reinforces this perception:


“Four single workers, almost all of the same age, appeared in the Superior Court of Justice, after having lost their physical bodies in a terrible accident.

On Earth, they were analyzed by the same pattern.

Excellent young men, annihilated by death, with the same social and domestic homages.

In the spiritual life, however, they were different from each other, demanding different studies and different appreciation.

Boasting, each one, a halo of specific radiations, they were taken to the judge who had carefully examined the case for a few days.

The magistrate invited one by one to listen to his determinations, in the name of Universal Law, before a large assembly of interested parties in the sentences.

To the first of them, surrounded by dark spots, as if he were involved in a gray atmosphere, the compassionate judge said kindly:

— From your notes, the heavy commitments you assumed, using your work resources for unspeakable purposes. There are widows and orphans, weeping in the world, holding bitter memories of your influence.

In addition, because the questioned person inquired about the future that awaited him, the friendly judge observed, without affectation:

— Return to the landscape where you lived and restart the fight for redemption, readjusting the balance of those you harmed. You are naturally obliged to restore them to peace and security.

The second approached, moving under gray radiations, and heard the following remarks:

— The notes about you reveal that you damaged the factory where you worked. You had salaries and advantages that do not correspond to the effort you have expended.

Perceiving his mental questions, he added:

— Return to your former service center and aid the companions and machines you have exploited in a bad way. It is essential to redeem the debt of a few thousand hours, with them, in assistance activity.

To the third person who approached, different from the precedents by the appearance in which he presented himself, the judge said gently:

The information of your pilgrimage on the Terrestrial Planet explains that you demonstrated a commendable correctness in your procedure. You did not use your possibilities of service to harm others, you did not betray your obligations and you only received from the world what was really due to you. Your conscience is even with the Law. You can choose your new type of experience, but still on Earth, where you need to continue on the course of sublimation itself.

Then came the last one. He was surrounded by beautiful splendor. Rays of sapphire clarity enveloped him all, seeming to emit happiness and light in all directions.

The judge bowed before him and said:

— My friend, the harvest of your sowing gives you elevation. More noble services await you higher.

The humble worker, as if desiring to hide the light that crowned him, walked away in tears of joy and gratitude, in the arms of old friends who surrounded him, happy, and, due to the questions exploding from his contemptuous colleagues, who asserted in it to meet a simple working man, the judge clarified, persuasively and kindly:

— The promoted brother is an unsung hero of the resignation. He never imposed any harm on anyone, he always respected the workshop that was honored with his collaboration and did not limit himself to being correct with the duties, through which he conquered what was necessary for his life. He sacrificed himself for the good of all. He knew how to be gentle in the most difficult situations. He endured the ill-treatment of his colleagues with kindness and understanding. He inspired confidence. He distributed encouragement and enthusiasm. He always smiled and helped. Hundreds of hearts followed him beyond death, offering him prayers, joys and blessings. The Divine Law is never wrong.

And because the trial had been satisfactorily settled, the Superior Court of Justice closed the session.”


Faced with the imbroglio now configured in the functioning of human “justice”, particularly in the context of our nation, it becomes vital, for the spiritual well-being of its executors, to practice constant reflection and meditation, in addition to the resource of prayer. Furthermore, it is highly desirable to seek inspiration from the salutary pages of the Gospel of Jesus, to embrace virtuous behavior in which humility is of high spiritual value, and to fulfill the inherent tasks taking the compass of good as a guide. Such measures certainly meet the expectations of the highest, as well as help to avoid unnecessary suffering to agents of such a relevant activity.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita