Letter to the reader

Year 17 - 821 - April 30, 2023

“Racism in Kardec?”, by Paulo Neto, is the new release of EVOC

It was published on Thursday, the 27th, by EVOC, the e-book Racism in Kardec? Anti-Spiritist Propaganda and Doctrinal Truth, authored by our writing colleague Paulo Neto, author of several Spiritist works and one of the most important scholars and promoters of Spiritism in Brazil. The purpose of the research that gave rise to the book is to prove that Allan Kardec was never racist. The e-book, like all EVOC books, can be read or downloaded for free.

The importance of spiritist knowledge in the psychologist's activity is the central theme of the interview given to us by psychologist Beatriz Paulino Losi Ferreira, born in Uberlândia (MG). Currently residing in Brasília (DF), she participates in the activities of the Paulo de Tarso Spiritist Center, in which she acts as leader of the Spiritual Physical Treatment Meeting Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, held on Wednesdays.

“Evangelical-doctrinal exhortations about mental vigilance” is the title of this issue's Special, by Sandro Drumond Brandão, from Belo Horizonte (MG). In the article, he reminds us that through his mental creations, man is able to build his own hell or heaven in his conscience, a fact that explains the importance of vigilance, as warned by the master Jesus.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita