The role of
invisible powers in the
evolution of species
“Five theories for
evolution” is the theme in
the Special that we publish
in this edition, authored by
our writing colleague
Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira,
a physician and professor
based in Juiz de Fora (MG),
who has been a member of the
Editorial Board since its
foundation of this magazine.
At the end of the article,
he presents and comments
what is taught on the
subject in spiritist works.
The article is one of the
highlights of this issue.
Another highlight is the
interview given to us by Ivo
Machado da Costa, from
Presidente Bernardes, who
now lives in São Carlos
(SP). He is a professor
linked to the Department of
Mathematics at UFSCar
(Federal University of São
Carlos), he participates in
the spiritist works of the
Spiritist Center Nosso Lar
and Obreiros do Bem, both
located in his city.
In this issue, Thiago
Bernardes presents us with a
special article on the
Scottish medium Elizabeth
Hope, who became known
worldwide under the name of
Madame d'Espérance. She was
born on May 13, 1849, in
Edinburgh, the medium died
on July 20, 1918, aged 69,
in the city of Leipzig,