The singer Elizabete Lacerda
speaks to the magazine
“The psychotherapeutic
function of lectures” is the
title of our editorial,
which focus on the
transcendental importance of
spirit lectures.
Elizabete Lacerda, known
singer tells us about her
musical experience, which
has begun in her childhood.
She is spirit over 30 years,
she current lives in
Brasília (DF) and
participates in two spirit
houses: Spirit Center the
Holy Trinity, in Taguatinga
(DF), and Spirit Communion
of Brasília. The interview
is one of the highlights of
this number.
Onomatopoeias”, written by
the confrere Marcelo
Teixeira, Petrópolis (RJ),
is the title of the Especial
of this edition. As it is
said by the writer, it does
not fit in doctrinal and
artistic activities the
buás, glá-glá-glás,
cofs-cofs, ti-ti-tis and
trim-trins:it is too
much onomatopoeias
disturbing the duty. The
article is one of the
highlights of this week.
Divaldo Franco, in a new
visit to Rio Grande do Sul,
spoke at the beginning of
the month to spirits in
Santa Crus do Sul, Santa
Maria and Pelotas, as it is
shown the especial report
written by Paulo Salerno.
The report is also one of
the spots in this edition.
It was launched by EVOC –
Virtual Publisher of the
Comforter on April 18th,
the e-book “Memórias de
Padre Vítor”, (Memories of
the Priest Vítor), authored
by the spirit of the Priest
Vítor Coelho, psychographic
by the medium Ana Paula
Cazetta, São José do Rio
Preto (SP), the reader can
download or read the work
for free accessing EVOC’s
webpage -
The launching celebrates the
third anniversary of EVOC’s
foundation, Publisher linked
to this magazine.