A chat with
Eduardo Croys
model and a guide to us all”
is the title of our
editorial which highlights
the importance of Jesus and
his examples in life of all
Mankind on Earth.
In an interview of this
journal, Eduardo Croys
Felthes, president of the
Home of the Legionaries
Children of Ismael, Barretos
(SP), talks about the
institution and about the
program of the 55ª Spirit
Intercity Week of Barretos,
traditional spirit event
which is going to happen in
July next. The subject is
one of the spots of this
Ernest Renan
and the relevance of his
legacy in the light of the
spirit thought, this is the
special theme written by our
collaborator Leonardo Marmo
Moreira. According to the
confrere, the humanization
of Jesus makes his followers
most determined in the
evangelical transformation
of themselves. The article
is also one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another spot is the report
of Júlio Zacarchenco about
the conference “The Conquer
of Fullness”, given on May 5th
by Divaldo Pereira Franci in
the theater of FIAP Jean
Monnet in Paris, France. The
known speaker gave a start
of a new cycle of spreading
of Spiritism in Europe with
the event.
It was published on 27th,
last Friday, May’s book of
EVOC – Virtual Publisher of
The Comforter, title
Game: diving into the
volcano, a mediumship
romance dictated by the
Spirit Claudinei,
psychographic by the medium
Eurípedes Kühl. It was
edited in digital format,
also known as virtual book
or e-book, the romance can
be downloaded or read for
free. Here is the link: