David Conrado Liesenberg
speaks to the magazine
“I lived, I live and I will
live because I am immortal”
is the title of our
editorial, which it
remembers live and work of a
notable spirit pioneer
Cairbar Schutel.
“Cairbar is a spirit model
to be known and imitated.”
This sentence was said by
David Conrado Liesenberg,
author of a University work
about Cairbar Schutel in the
conclusion of his studies of
Journalism, in an interview
to this magazine. In it, the
scholar from São Paulo talks
about Cairbar legacy and the
example left behind by the
wishful and founder of the
journal “O Clarim” (The
Bugle). The theme is one of
the highlights of this
Another spot is the especial
written by José Passini,
known spirit scholar settled
in juiz de For a (MG), in
which our collaborator and
member of the Editorial
Border of this magazine
analyses the book “Mensagens
do Astral” (Astral
Messages), by Ramatis,
psychographic work by the
medium Hercílio Maes.
In the activity of spirit
propagation that has been
occurring in Europe, Divaldo
Franco spoke on May 7th,
in Dublin, Ireland capital
city, before a numerous
people, as Júlio Zacarchenco
tells us in an especial
report which is also one of
the spots of this number.
In a day like today – June 5th
– it was born in 1947 the
USE – Union of the Spirit
Societies of the São Paulo
State, one of the results of
the 1º Spirit State Congress
of São Paulo. In the
occasion, four spirit
institutions were enhanced
in the Capital City:
Synagogue Spirit New
Jerusalem, Spirit Federal
Union of São Paulo, Spirit
Federation of São Paulo
State and Spirit League of
São Paulo State.
The four institutions
launched the manifest
“Proclamation of the
Spirits”, calling the union,
appearing from it the Spirit
Social Union, which later
became Union of the Spirit
Societies of São Paulo
State, which is since then
the entity that coordinates
the federative spirit
movement in next state.