A chat with Wilson
“The man and the world” is
the title of our editorial,
which proposes us that to
live in the world, is
necessary discipline,
stablish priorities, define
which are our goals and what
we should do to reach them.
Wilson Frungilo Júnior,
current presidente of IDE –
(Instituto de Difusão
Espírita) – Intitute of
Spirit Propagation, in
Araras (SP), is our
interviewee. Author of many
books, he speaks in the
interview about the
experience with spirit
propagation by the book and
his work as a headman in the
known publisher. The subject
is one of the spots of this
Another spot is the special
“Spirituality and
profession”, authored by
Wagner Ideali, from
Guarulhos (SP). In the
article, he scans a common
dilemma which many spirit
workers face: how to deal
with profession, family,
inner changes, spiritual
work and social life?
Kátia Marabuco, oncologist,
president of the
Spirit-Physician Association
of Piauí, was at the
beginning of the month in
cities in the South of
Brazil, Novo Hamburgo and
Santa Maria, where she spoke
about the themes “From
sensuality to cosmic love”
and “The Hidden language of
cancer”. The report of the
two event is one of the
highlights of the present
It was published on August
26th, last Friday, by EVOC –
Virtual Publisher of The
Comforter, the book
Florilégio, authored by
Marcos Paulo de Oliveira
Santos. It was edited in
digital format, it is also
known as virtual e-book, and
the book can be downloaded
for free. Here is the link: