In this issue we continue the study of the book Posthumous Works, published after Allan Kardec disembodied and containing texts written by him. The present work is based on the translation made by Dr. Guillon Ribeiro, published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation.
Questions for discussion
162. Who was Kardec’s Spiritual Protector?
163. When did Kardec and his Spiritual Guide meet?
164. Was the error mentioned by Kardec discussed again with his Spiritual Protector?
165. When and where did Kardec receive the first information regarding his mission?
Answers to the proposed questions
162. Who was Kardec’s Spiritual Protector?
According to what Zephyrus told him, in a dialogue occurred on December 11, 1855, at Mr. Baudin’s, through his daughters, the Spirit, protector of the future Encoder, was a fair and wise man. To have his sympathy, Kardec would have to practice good as much as he could. Through the satisfaction that he would feel, it would be possible for him, Kardec, to recognize the intervention of the spiritual protector. The way to evoke the Spirit would be to have a living faith and diligently ask for his presence. Kardec asked Zephyrus if after his disembodiment he would recognize this spiritual friend. Zephyrus replied: "That is not doubtful; he will be the one to congratulate you if you do your job well".
Following this dialogue, Zephyrus told Kardec that the Spirit of his mother used to visit him and protected him whenever possible. Kardec told him that he often saw her in his dreams and Zephyrus confirmed that she did appear to him. Ending the dialogue, Zephyrus told the Professor that he had the necessary skills for the task he had begun, but warned him that the result would depend of his determination. (Posthumous Works - Second Part - The Spirit of Truth).
163. When did Kardec and his Spiritual Guide meet?
It was in 1856, as recorded in a meeting that took place on March 25 of that same year, at Mr. Baudin’s. At the time Kardec lived at #8 in the Martyrs Street, on the second floor, down the hall. One night, when he was in his office, he heard small repeated blows against the partition that separated him from the next room. At first he did not pay any attention; but as these blows went on even harder, changing place, he thoroughly examined both sides of the partition, but found nothing. What was special is that every time he began the search the noise ceased, to start as soon as he returned to work. His wife came at ten o'clock into his office and she also heard those blows, and both tried to find out what caused this without any success, and the noise continued until midnight, when the Professor decided to go and sleep.
On the next day, at Mr. Baudin’s, Kardec reported the fact, and asked for an explanation. Following is the dialogue that then took place, with the young Baudin girls acting as mediums:
- No doubt you have heard the fact that I have just mentioned; could you tell me the cause of these blows that were heard so persistently? Answer: It was the Spirit of a relative of yours.
- What was the purpose of the blows? Answer: He wanted to communicate with you.
- Could you tell me what he wanted from me? Answer: You can ask him yourself, because he is here.
– Spirit of my Family, whoever you may be, I thank you for coming to visit me. Would you like to tell me who you are? Answer: For you, my name will be Truth, and every month, I will be here for a quarter of an hour, and at your disposal.
- Yesterday, when you made that noise, while I worked, did you have anything in particular you would like to tell me? Answer: What I had to tell you was about the work you were doing; what you were writing displeased me and I wanted to make you stop.
- Was your disapproval about the chapter I wrote, or on the whole work? Answer: About yesterday’s chapter; I made you judge it; read it again tonight, and you will find the faults and correct them.
- I myself was not very pleased with this chapter and remade it today; is it better?
Answer: It's better, but not good enough. Read from the 3rd to the 30th line and you will find a serious mistake.
- I tore what I did yesterday. Answer: Never mind! This tearing up does not prevent the absence of subsisting; read it again and you will see.
- The name Truth that you are using, is it a reference to the truth I am searching for? Answer: Maybe; or, at least, it is a guide that will protect and help you.
- Then can I evoke you at my house? Answer: Yes, to help you via thought; however, for written answers at your house, it will take a long time to obtain them.
- Could you come over more often than only every month? Answer: Yes, but I will not promise you more than every month, until further notice.
- Did you live as someone well known on Earth? Answer: -I told you that for you I am the Truth; this for you meant discretion: you will not know more than that.
In the evening, after this dialogue, going back home, Kardec hastened to read what he had written, and, on the copy he had thrown into the basket, and the new copy, he found, on the 30th line a serious mistake and was amazed to have committed it. Since then, no manifestation of the same kind occurred; the relationship with the Spirit, his protector, was established from that moment onwards; these manifestations were no longer necessary, therefore, they ended.
The period of one month that he pointed out for his communications, was only followed in the beginning; later on, not at all. It had been, no doubt, a warning for Kardec to get used to working by himself and not to look for his spiritual protector constantly at the slightest difficulty. (Posthumous Works – Second Part – The Spirit of Truth).
164. Was the error mentioned by Kardec discussed again with his Spiritual Protector?
Yes, on April 9, 1856, two weeks after the first meeting, at Mr. Baudin’s, Kardec returned to the subject, as shown in the following dialog:
- You criticized my work the other day and you were right. I read it over again, and found on the 30th line a mistake against which your strokes were a protest. This led me to recognize other mistakes and redid my work. Are you happy now? Answer: I think it is better, but I suggest that you wait for a month before you publish it.
- Certainly, I do not intend to publish it yet, I do not even know if I should do it. Answer: I understand, but you must not show it to other people. Find an excuse to refuse it to those who will ask to read it; until then you will improve this work. I make this recommendation to avoid criticism; I am caring for your self-esteem.
- You told me that you would be my guide, and that you would help and protect me; I have an idea of this protection and its purpose in a certain order of things, but could you tell me if this protection is extended to the material things of life? Answer: In this world the material things matter very little; not helping you to live would be not to love you.
Kardec in a note added then to this dialogue stated that this Spirit – of which he was far from even imagining his real eminence - never failed him with his protection. His solicitude, as well as of the good Spirits under his orders, extended to all the circumstances of his life, not only to help him in his material difficulties, but to make it easier for him to accomplish his work, and also to protect him from the effects of the malevolence of his enemies. (Posthumous Works - Second Part - The Spirit of Truth).
165. When and where did Kardec receive the first information regarding his mission?
It was on April 30, 1856, at Mr. Roustan’s, with Miss. Japhet acting as medium. Professor Rivail assisted, for a while, to the sessions that took place at Mr. Roustan’s, and there he began to check his work that should later form The Book of Spirits. In a private session, which only seven or eight people were present, the conversation ran around several different issues, related to the events that could trigger a social transformation, when the psychic grabbed the basket and spontaneously wrote the following: "When the great bell rings, you will leave him; you will only relieve your neighbor; individually you will magnetize him to cure him. Later, each one will be prepared in his post, because everything will be necessary, since everything will be destroyed, especially for an instant.
There will be no more religion, and one of them will be necessary, the truest, biggest, most beautiful and worthy of the Creator… Its first foundations are already set… You, Rivail, here is your mission. (Let free, the basket returned to his side, as if a person who would want to point him out). To you, Mr…, the sword that does not hurt, but it kills; against everything that is, you will be the one to come first. He, Rivail, will come in second: he is the worker that rebuilds what was demolished”. (Posthumous Works - Second Part - The first revelation of Kardec's mission).