In this issue we continue the study of the book Posthumous Works, published after Allan Kardec disembodied and containing texts written by him. The present work is based on the translation made by Dr. Guillon Ribeiro, published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation.
Questions for discussion
178. What was in the early days, the clergy's position with regard to Spiritism?
179. Kardec asked the Spirit what was the meaning of the expression “for a short time”?
180. When did the Barcelona’s Act of Faith take place?
181. What was it about?
Answers to the proposed questions
178. What was in the early days, the clergy's position with regard to Spiritism?
This issue was the subject of a message received on June 10, 1860 at Kardec's, through the psychic, Mrs. Schmidt. A letter from Marseille stated that in a seminar in that city a serious study of “The Book of Spirits” was taking place. What could be inferred? Was the clergy interested in this matter? “I cannot doubt it” - stated his spiritual friend. "The clergy takes things very seriously, because it foresees the consequences that may affect it and their concerns about this are great; the clergy, especially the enlightened clergy, studies Spiritism more than you believe: but do not think it's for sympathy; instead, it seeks the means to fight it, and I assure you that it will violently fight Spiritism. Do not worry about it; go on acting with prudence and discretion; keep on guard against the pitfalls that will be extended; carefully avoid, in your words and in your writings, anything that can provide weapons against you. Follow your path with no fear, and if it is thorny, I assure you that you will have great satisfaction before you return “for a while” to us". (Postumous Works - Second Part - Future of Spiritism).
179. Kardec asked the Spirit what was the meaning of the expression “for a short time”?
Yes, he asked that question and the Spirit replied: "You will not stay for a long time among us; it is necessary that you return to end your mission that cannot be fully accomplished in this life. If this was possible, you would not have to leave there in no way, but it is necessary that the Law of Nature is followed. You will be absent for some years, and when you come back, it will be in conditions that will allow you to start early. However, there is work that you must end before you leave; and this is why we will allow you the necessary time to finish them". In a note written just below this information, Kardec made some calculations and came to the conclusion that he would be back to this globe at the end of the 19th century or at the beginning of the 20th century (Posthumous Works - Second Part - Spiritism's Future).
180. When did the Barcelona’s Act of Faith take place?
It occurred on October 9, 1861. (Posthumous Works - Second Part - Barcelona's Act of Faith).
181. What was it about?
Mr. Lachatre, living then in Barcelona, had imported from France several Spiritist books, in a total of approximately 300 volumes. The import was legal and he paid the entry fees; however, before releasing the books, the matter was referred to the local bishop, the ecclesiastical authority, who exercised in Spain the role of police of the bookstores. The bishop was then in Madrid; on his return, having knowledge of the facts, he ordered that these works were seized and burned in the public square. The execution of the sentence has set for October 9, 1861. In the meantime, while waiting for the day of the execution, Karced consulted the Spirit of truth about what should be done. The Spirit replied: "You have the right to claim these works and you will certainly obtain a refund for them, if you contact the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France; but, in my opinion, the consequences of this Act of Faith will be more advantageous than the reading of some books. Material losses are nothing compared to the impact that such a fact will give the Doctrine. Do you understand how such a ridiculous and backward harassment can make Spiritism progress in Spain? The ideas will spread so much faster, and the works will be sought with so much more diligence than the one used to burn the books". (Posthumous Works - Second Part - Barcelona's Act of Faith).