A chat with
Alcione Andries
"The sensitive and
remarkable patron of
Brazilian education" is the
title of our editorial on
the work and the educator
Paulo Freire's ideas.
Alcione Andries Lopes, from
Minas Gerais, settled in
Juiz de Fora (MG), is our
interviewee. Nowadays she
has been linked to Sectors
of Spreading, Mediumship,
Family and Fraternal
Assistance, of the Spirit
Center Love to the Next. She
talks about her experiences
and her service in the
spirit midst from Juiz de
Paulo Freire and the
Spiritism” is the title of
week’s especial, wrote by
our collaborator Ricardo
Baesso de Oliveira, member
of the Editorial Council of
this magazine. In the
article are reproduced many
texts authored by the great
educator, who is considered
with full justice the patron
of Brazilian education.
More than 3000 people went
to the 7º Congress of the
Spirit Center Joanna de
Ângelis, in Rio de Janeiro,
which main theme was ”LOVE:
FREES”. André Trigueiro and
Divaldo Franco joined the
event as it is shown in an
especial report wrote by
Maria Cláudia de Souza
In a day like today, October
9th, it had
happened a sad moment in
Spain in 1861, traced by the
name Auto de Fé de
Barcelona, when under the
demand of a bishop from
Catholic Church, it was
burnt many books, in a total
of nearly 300 issues, which
were sent by Kardec to a
Spanish bookseller. To know
more about the event, read:
“O Auto-de-fé de Barcelona”,
article written by Leonardo
Marmo Moreira published in
the magazine. Here is the