In this issue we continue the study of the book Posthumous Works, published after Allan Kardec disembodied and containing texts written by him. The present work is based on the translation made by Dr. Guillon Ribeiro, published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation.
Questions for discussion
186. Did Kardec receive any other message about the Gospel?
187. Did Kardec receive any specific communication about the difficult moments the Church was going through?
188. What did Erastus say about Renan and his book The life of Jesus?
189. It is known that, shortly after the war that involved France and Germany, a conflict of major proportions would arise. Today we know it was The First World War. Did Kardec record any messages on this subject?
Answers to the proposed questions
186. Did Kardec receive any other message about the Gospel?
Yes, in September 1863, when Kardec was in Sainte-Adresse, he received the following communication coming from Paris: "I really want to talk to you about Paris, although I do not see the use of it, considering that my inner voices are heard around you and your brain perceives our inspirations with an ease, which you yourself do not suspect. Our influence, especially the one coming from the Spirit of Truth, is constantly around you, and you cannot refuse it. This is why I shall not go into idle details about the plan of your work, which you have so widely and so completely changed according to my concealed advice. You do understand now why we needed to have you handy, free from other concern but that of the Doctrine. A work like we did together needs gathering and sacred isolation. I follow with a keen interest the progress of your work, which is a considerable step forward, and, in short, opened to Spiritism a wide range of useful applications for the good of society. With this work, the building starts to rise from its foundations, and one can already have a glimpse of its dome drawn on the horizon. Therefore, go on with no impatience, and no fatigue; the monument will be finished in the fixed time. We have already been busy with the circumstance issues of the day, i.e., religious issues. The Spirit of Truth told you about the rebellions that are happening now; these anticipated hostilities are necessary to keep alive the attention of men, so easy to move away from serious matters.
New combatants will constantly join the soldiers who fight for the cause, whose words and writings make sense, and will lead to the disruption and confusion on the ranks of our opponents. Goodbye, dear companion of other times, faithful disciple of truth, which continues through life the work to which we swore once - in the hands of the Great Spirit, who loves and worships thee - to devote our strength and our lives until it is ended. I salute you”.
In a note written below, Kardec confirms that the plan of the work was, in fact, completely changed, which, surely, the medium could not know, since I was in Paris and he in Sainte-Adresse; he also could not know that the Spirit of Truth had spoken about the rebellion of the Bishop of Algiers and others. All these circumstances served to confirm the role of the Spirits in his work. (Posthumous Works - Second Part - The Gospel According to Spiritism).
187. Did Kardec receive any specific communication about the difficult moments the Church was going through?
Yes, as soon as he returned to Paris on September 30, 1863. The spiritual author of the message then said it was time that the Church should give an account of the deposit entrusted to it, regarding the way it practiced the teachings of Christ, the use it made of its authority, and finally of the state of unbelief to which it led the Spirits; it was time now that it should give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to incur the responsibility for all its actions.
God judged the Church and recognized it improper henceforth for the progress mission that belongs to all spiritual authority. It could only live through an absolute transformation; however, would it resign itself to this transformation? No, because then it would be no longer the Church. To assimilate the truths and the findings of Science, it would be necessary to renounce the dogmas which serve as its foundation; to return to the rigorous practice of the precepts of the Gospel it would need to relinquish power, domination, change the pomp and purple for simplicity and apostolic humbleness. The Church was then between two options: if it accepted the changes, it would be committing suicide; if it remained stationary, it would succumb under the pressure of progress. (Posthumous Works - Second Part - The Gospel According to Spiritism).
188. What did Erastus say about Renan and his book The life of Jesus?
Erastus’ message was received in Paris on October 14, 1863. About the book, he said that its influence would be great, especially on the clergy, but it was not an irreproachable work, far from it, because it was the reflection of an exclusive opinion that limits its vision in the narrow circle of material life.
Mr. Renan, according to Erastus, was one of those clever blind man that explain, in their own way, what they cannot see; who, not understanding the mechanism of vision at a distance, they believe that you cannot become aware of something if you do not touch it. But aside capital errors, especially when it comes to spirituality, his book contained some very fair comments that had escaped so far the scholiasts. Renan belonged to that legion of incarnated Spirits which may be called the demolishers of the old world and who have the task to level the ground on which a new and more rational world will be built. (Posthumous Works - Second Part - The Life of Jesus by Renan).
189. It is known that, shortly after the war that involved France and Germany, a conflict of major proportions would arise. Today we know it was The First World War. Did Kardec record any messages on this subject?
Yes, and it is likely that he did not understand what the Spirits said then. This occurred on January 30, 1866 in a message received in Paris by the group
of Mr. Golovine. The message initially talks about the persecution that the Spiritists would suffer and says that to answer these attacks would start a controversy without result. "Your silence proves your strength, and not giving them time to answer, eventually they will shut up", said the Spirit, who in the end called himself “Innocent” and in a previous life had been the Archbishop in Tauride.
In the message, he also talks about possible changes in the Church's cyme and, finally, refers to the storm that would fall on the planet, when then there would be destruction, invasions, border demarcation, which, from Europe would encompass Asia and America, as it did, in fact, years later (Posthumous Works - Second Part - Precursors of the Storm).