In his last interview, José
de Mello speaks to the
“In Christ’s footsteps” is
the title and the theme of
this week editorial which
brings us a reflection about
what it really means to
follow Jesus.
Shortly before his
disembodiment, José de
Mello, Taubaté (SP), spoke
to our magazine about his
journey in Spiritism. The
interview, which it is
certainly the last one given
by our beloved friend, is
one of the highlights of the
current edition.
In the week`s especial, the
journalist Altamirando
Carneiro, São (SP), writes
about Palestine and tells us
how life was in time that
Jesus lived. The article is
also one of the spot of this
Another spot is the especial
report about the Assistance
Association Betânia Home, in
the beautiful city Blumenau
(SC). The report is written
by our collaborator Marcel
Bataglia, Balneário Camboriú
It was published on October
26th by EVOC – Virtual
Publisher of The Comforter
the book Slaves of Gold,
psychographic romance
authored by the Spirit Van
der Goehen, psychographic by
Eurípedes Kühl. It is edited
in digital format, also
known as virtual book or
e-book; the book can be
downloaded for free. Here is
the link: