The physician Paulo
Batistuta Novaes speaks to
the magazine
“Psychological Sight of
Spiritism” is the title of
our editorial which weaves
observations done by Rogério
Coelho in his article
Spiritism & Evolution.
Among the highlights of this
edition, it is called
reader’s attention to the
interview given by the
physician Paulo Batistuta
Novaes to the journalist
Giovana Campos. In charge of
the book’s organization
Chaplaincy Spirit Hospital,
published by the
Spirit-Physician Association
of the State Espírito Santo,
the confrere tells us about
its contents and the aims of
that book.
Another spot of the current
issue is the Especial
Spiritism & Evolution,
written by the confrere
Rogério Coelho, known spirit
scholar and one of most
assiduous collaborator of
our magazine. “The great aim
of evolution – the writer
reminds us – is to light up
Carlyne Paiva, from São
Paulo (SP), shows us how it
was the meeting Movement You
and Peace recently occurred
with a huge amount of people
in Ibirapuera Park in São
Paulo, under the
responsibility of its
creator, Divaldo Franco. The
report is one of the spots
of this edition.
It was 80 years ago,
November 12, 1936 the
opening of the 9º
Brazilian Esperanto
Congress, held from November
12 to 17 in that year, in a
promotion of the Brazilian
Esperanto League. The
confreres Ismael Gomes Braga
and Carlos Imbassahy took
part in it.