A chat with Vânia Mugnato
“The book and the truth will
get us free” is the title of
our editorial, in which we
comment about concepts
introduced by Vânia Mugnato
de Vasconcelos, our
interviewed of the week.
“Failing should not be a
reason of stagnation, but a
fresh start.” These words
were said by Vânia Mugnato
Vasconcelos, spirit speaker
settled in Jundiaí – São
Paulo. In the interview she
tells us about her
initiation in Spiritism and
her preferences in the
doctrinal field. The report
is one of the highlights of
the current edition.
Another spot is the especial
entitled “Sandwich
poetic-solidarity”, authored
by Marcelo Teixeira,
collaborator of this
magazine settled in
Petrópolis (J).Prejudice and
solidarity are focus themes
in a personal known way of
the author and writer.
Spirits and supporters of
Spiritism in the cities of
São Paulo, Sorocaba and São
Bernardo do Campo got
together in a huge number in
the days 16 and 17 of
November respectively, to
hear the beloved speaker
Divaldo Franco. The report,
written by Djair de Souza
Ribeiro, is one of the spot
of this edition.
Tomorrow, December 5th, it
will be 82 years of the
disincarnation of Humberto
de Campos Veras, journalist,
writer and Brazilian
politician. Member of the
Brazilian Letter Academy,
Humberto has kept going his
spiritual path of great
writer as it shows his books
psychographic by Chico
Xavier, especially
Chronicles of Beyond-Tomb,
Good News and Brazil, Heart
of the World, Homeland of
the Gospel, among