José Antonio da Cruz speaks
to the magazine
“God help men through men”,
here is the title of our
editorial which talks about
the lesson in Zimbabwe,
the especial of Eleni
Frangatos, one of the spots
of this edition.
José Antonio da Cruz, from
Catanduva (SP), is our
interviewee. Creator and
presenter of the radio
program “Spirit Time”, he
tells us about the proposal
of that work and also about
his future projects. The
interview is written by
Orson Peter Carrara, it is
one of the spots of the
present edition.
authored by Eleni Frangatos,
from Vinhedo (SP), is the
title of the week’s
Especial. The facts
described in the article
happened 20 years ago, in
1997. More or less a decade
after, its author, thanks to
spirit teachings, was able
to truly understand its
About 4200 people watched on
March 2nd, at the
Uberlândia Conference Center
(MG), one more brilliant
conference given by Divaldo
Franco. Our collaborator
Djair de Souza Ribeiro, from
Santo André (SP), tells us
how it was.
In a day like today – March
19th – in 1819
was born in Tortosa,
province of Tarragona in
Spain, José María Fernández
Colavida, who later would be
a pioneer of Spiritism in
his country and the first
translator of Kardec’s work
to Spanish. In 1869 he
founded the Magazine of
Psychological Studies, in
which he was the director
and editor for 19 years. He
created the Society in
Barcelona responsible for
spreading Spiritism and
established in the capital
city Cataluña the first
Spirit Bookshop. Colavida
disembodied in Barcelona on
December 11th,