A chat with Marilda Budoia
de Aguiar Silva
“Every form of love is
legitimate” is the title of
our editorial, which brings
considerations about the
theme homosexuality and our
attitude around it.
Among the edition’s spots,
we call reader’s attention
to the interview that our
companion in the spirit
midst Marilda Budoia de
Aguiar Silva, who is settled
in Cafelândia (SP), gave to
our magazine. In the report,
which is authored by our
collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara, she talks about her
experiences in the
activities she dedicated
herself in the Spirit House.
“Homosexuality” is the theme
of the Especial written by
our collaborator Hugo
Alvarenga Novaes, from Santa
Rita do Sapucaí (MG). Due to
the length of the matter,
the article has been divided
in two parts and it is going
to be concluded next edition
of this magazine. The
Especial is one of the spots
of the current edition.
Before talking about the
opening of the XIX Spirit
State Conference, Divaldo
Franco had spoken on March
16th to spirits
of Ponta Grossa (PR), where
the numerous public could
appreciate other brilliant
conference of the dear
speaker, as it is shown in
the report produced by our
collaborator Paulo Salerno.
On a day like today – March
26th – it passed
away in 1946 the confrere
Antônio Lima, who was born
in Rio de Janeiro on March
30th, 1864.
Antônio Lima was one of the
pioneers in Spiritism in his
home state. Writer,
journalist and great
exhibitor of the Doctrine,
left behind a vast spirit
and non-spirit literature,
besides many translations in
French, English and Spanish,
including Kardec’s work.