Jeferson Betarello speaks
the magazine
“It is not enough to call
yourself spirit, it is
necessary something more” is
the title of our editorial
which emphasizes the
importance of not only be
spirit but to practice
effectively what Spiritism
teaches us.
Among the spots of this
edition, we call reader’s
attention to the interview
that Jeferson Betarello,
from São Paulo (SP), gave to
our collaborator Martha Rios
Guimarães. The author of the
essay “Unite to Spread –
federations’ impact on
Spiritism growth” in his
master degree in Science of
Religion at PUC/SP, our
interviewee tells us about
this subject and other
subjects related to actual
days of spirit movement.
The week’s Especial is the
final part of the article
“Homosexuality”, authored by
our collaborator and writer
Hugo Alvarenga Novaes, from
Santa Rita do Sapucaí (MG).
first part of it was
published last week.
Divaldo Franco was the main
attraction to the XIX State
Spirit Conference held on
March 17 to 19 in Pinhais,
which belongs to the
metropolitan area of
Curitiba, capital city of
Paraná State. Paulo Salerno,
in an especial report, tells
us how it was the
traditional event.
It was published on March 28
by EVOC – Virtual Publisher
of The Comforter the e-book
“Souls on Fire”, mediumship
romance by Josué spirit,
psychographic y the medium
Eurípedes Kühl. The book,
which does not have printed
format, only virtual, can be
read or downloading for
free. Here is the link: