In an interesting story published some time ago by important magazine about Leonardo da Vinci and his inventiveness, the reporter, after talking about his works and inventions, asks: - How can one explain such intelligence?
Of course that, not admitting the existence of the soul, everything that can be said about talent ends up to the potentiality of the body, gens, brain or anything else. And the same happens when, even when admitting the soul, we relate its evolution process to the early years that constitute a human existence. As such period of time is definitely not enough to explain the wisdom of some, like Einstein, Newton, Freud and Leonardo da Vinci himself, the tendency is to look in the instrument – the material body – the origin of something that cannot be found there, but in the agent – the soul or spirit –, unfortunately not considered by the Science.
The thesis of successive lives, which dates back to the ancient India, where it came to Egypt and Athens, being discussed by people like Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, cannot be disregarded when talked about it.
Leonardo’s wisdom does not constitute a privilege or a phenomenon for the gifted ones. No; Leonardo da Vinci acquired, by himself, the talent he had, through his many existences, which implies to recognize this achievement belongs only to him.
For those who imagine the Spiritist Doctrine is a lone voice in defense of reincarnation, we remember that Buddha and his followers also admit and that, even for the followers of Moses, it is still alive. Why alive? For those who already read the Gospel knows that among the Hebrews reincarnation was a common belief, designated sometimes by the word resurrection. This sense is that the apostles, replying to a question of Jesus, said: - “, some [say] John the Baptist; some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” (Matthew, 16:14). Well, Jeremiah died sick and old, while Jesus was a vigorous young man. If Jeremiah should come back to Earth, as the Hebrews believed, he could only do so through reincarnation, never through resurrection of a dead and buried body, which science says is impossible.
The old reincarnation doctrine keeps “modern” in the time we live, and not only for Spiritist people, as we can check on the article “Immortality and Soul”, in the magazine Morashá, September 2004, pp. 20 - 24, published by the Institute Morashá of Culture, which congregates in its team of religious supervision the rabies David Weitman, Efraim Laniado, Isaac Shrem and Avraham Cohen.
Restating the principle of reincarnation, which is one of the cornerstones of Spiritism, the article reads: “The same human soul can be reincarnated several times, in several bodies, having this way the opportunity to rectify damages done in previous incarnations or hit the perfection. At its origin, the soul is part of the Divine Essence, being totally pure. But, in his terrestrial life, it can get deviated. It will be necessary to come back and repair the mistakes or keep developing”.
Allan Kardec asked, more than 150 years ago, the High Spirits: - What is the aim of reincarnation? And they answered (The Spirits’ Book, question 167): “Expiation; progressive improvement of mankind. Without this aim, where would be its justice?”.