One of the highlights of
this issue, this Sunday
before Christmas, is the
Special “Jesus, the educator
of souls”, in which José
Passini talks about Jesus,
the Master who based his
lessons on exemplification.
“There was – says Passini –
no lesson without an
example.” “Jesus was simple
and thorough in what he
verbally taught and abundant
in examples.”
An interview with Maria
Gorete Araújo Newton,
president at UCESS – Union
of the Spiritist Centers in
Switzerland, is another
highlight of this issue.
Living in Winterthur, near
Zurich, Switzerland, where
she’s been living for 16
years, Gorete is originally
from Cubatão. Very sensible
and clear in her answers,
she thinks it’s a waste of
time the discussion of
topics already gotten over
and says that, if we roll up
our sleeves and work for the
good, generating citizens
aware of their realities and
potentials, the change in
our planet can happens
sooner than we expect,
modifying the current
violent state on Earth, once
that violence is the result
of lack of love and justice
in the heart of men.
It took place on December
6-8, in Calpe, Alicante,
Spain, the XVI National
Spiritist Congress, which
had as the main topic
“Spiritism: past, present
and future”, as reports
Claudia Werdine, our
Correspondent in Europe, in
another highlight of this
This is the last issue of
the year and will be
available to you until
January 4, when we’ll come
out with the first issue of
2009, which we hope will be
a great year with lots of
health for us all.
Happy New Year for our
readers and collaborators!