The international news at
the beginning of the year
can be divided into the
economical crisis that keeps
shaking the world and the
latest conflict between
Israel and Palestine, an
endless story which
constitutes this issue’s
leader, entitled “A conflict
that seems to be forever”.
Among the highlights of this
issue we stand out the
interview our dear confrere
José Raul Teixeira delivered
to this magazine, answering
26 questions made by José
Passini, Ricardo Baesso de
Oliveira, Arthur Bernardes
de Oliveira, Jorge Hessen,
Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho,
Celia Xavier Camargo – all
members of the Editorial
Council – and Orson Peter
Carrara, Fernanda Borges,
Wellington Balbo, Antonio
Augusto Nascimento and Katia
Fabiana Fernandes,
responsible for the
interviews of this magazine.
The questions were divided
into three blocks: problems
and current affairs,
Doctrine and topics related
to the Spiritist movement.
Due to its size, O
Consolador has divided
the interview into two
parts. In the first one,
Raul talks about current
affairs and Doctrine.
Another highlight of this
issue is the Special
entitled “Mars is more
advanced”, in which the
confrere Gerson Simões
Monteiro says, based on
mediumistic revelations,
that Mars inhabitants seem
to be more advanced than
those of the Earth,
differing from what Kardec
wrote in the question 188 of
The Spirits’ Book.
In a special story, the
confrere Renato Costa
reports the end-of-the-year
party at the Spiritist
School Joanna de Angelis,
located in Santa Amelia
neighborhood, in Japeri,
which is, according to the
confrere, one of the poorest
towns in Rio de Janeiro. The
story is also one of the
highlights of this issue.
With this issue we begin the
study on the book
Liberation, by André
Luiz, psychographed by
Francisco Cândido Xavier.
It’s André Luiz’s sixth
book. The previous ones
were, as follows: Our
Home – issues 1-12;
The Messengers – issues
13-24; Missionaries of
Light – issues 25-44;
Workers of Eternal Life
– issues 45-62; and In
the Greater World –
issues 63-89.