human embryo cell cloning in
the face of ethics and good
sense is the theme in this
edition editorial, entitled
“Cloning given the ethical
questions and the good sense”,
a subject that has raised
and keeps raising intense
discussions in Brazil and
In one
of the headlines in this
number, we call the reader’s
attention to the interview
that Izabel Vitusso, editor
of the Spiritist newspaper
Correio Fraterno, has
conceded to our collaborator
and editor Wellington Balbo,
in which the journalist
talks about her activities
in the field of Spiritist
communication and also about
the 4th National Meeting of
Spiritist Historians
occurred last year.
another headline entitled
“The ten basic principles of
Spiritism: a more complete
summary of the Doctrine”,
Leonardo Marmo Moreira
explains in details the
principles that, according
to his point of view, well
synthesize the Doctrine
codified by Allan Kardec.
third headline is the
special article about the
important work that has been
performed for 19 years by
the Spiritist Group Seara do
Mestre in Santo Ângelo city,
Rio Grande do Sul, which is
dedicated to promote and
improve evangelization
activities among children.
On March
9th at 8:00pm in Londrina
city, Divaldo Franco starts
a series of conferences
across the Paraná state.
Subsequently, the estimated
confrere will make a speech
in Maringá on 10th; in Pato
Branco on 11th and in
Francisco Beltrão on 12th,
before opening the XI State
Spiritist Conference in
Pinhais on 13th, an event
sponsored by the Spiritist
Federation of Paraná state.