Periodically, the Spiritist
Movement encourages, by
means of specific campaigns,
the practice of the Gospel
at Home which the importance
is recognized by many people
in the Spiritist circle, as
shown in this week editorial
entitled “The Gospel at
Home and Its Fruits.
Among the headlines in the
present edition, we call the
reader’s attention to the
interview that the confrere
Sandra Maria Borba Pereira,
president of the Spiritist
Federation of Rio Grande do
Norte State, conceded to our
collaborator and editor
Orson Peter Carrara. In the
interview, Sandra Borba
talks about some nowadays
subjects, such as the
pedagogic-didactic focus
that must be given to the
Spiritist teaching
transmission in our
Spiritist centers.
“The Spiritist institution –
says the confrere – must
become an educative
community, by the own
pedagogic nature of the
Another headline in this
edition is the special “The
soul union with the body” by
GEFE (Spiritist Philosophy
Study Group) from Porto
Alegre city, Rio Grande do
Sul, to which our
collaborator Cristian Macedo
is associated. The study
shows the information that
“the union between the soul
and the body starts with the
conception” appeared in
Kardec’s work years later
after the first edition of
“The Spirists’ Book” has
been published.
Divaldo Franco made a speech
in Londrina for a crowded
audience on the evening of
March 9th, as presented in
the special report which is
another headline of this
In Pinhais, Paraná, the XI
Spiritist State Conference
finishes this Sunday 15th.
The traditional event is
promoted by the Spiritist
Federation of Paraná State
and counted on the
participation of the
confreres Divaldo Franco,
José Raul Teixeira, Cosme
Massi, Alberto Almeida and
Sandra Borba Pereira.