Early this month, the world
has widowed another
collective tragedy caused by
an earthquake. This time in
L’Aquila, Italy, where
hundreds of people were
injured and thousands are
homeless. With disasters of
this nature, people get
shocked and certainly wonder
themselves: “what to do to
prevent episodes like this
happen again?” – which is
the central theme of the
editorial this week.
Ronaldo Parpinelli, born and
resident in Pedreira, São
Paulo, conceded an interview
to our collaborator and
editor Orson Peter Carrara
about his 9-year experience
on the divulgation of
Spiritism on the Internet,
whose results have been
auspicious, says the
interviewee. The interview
is one of the headlines of
this edition.
Another headline is the
special report by Washington
L.N. Fernandes about the
psychographic mental faculty
of Divaldo Franco, where the
author presents in various
examples that different
themes and literary styles
have remarked the work of
this renowned medium.
Founded on 17th April 1987,
under the inspiration of the
beloved medium Yvonne A.
Pereira’s spirit, the
Christian Spiritist
Communion of Londrina City,
a non-profitable civil
society with phylantropic
purpose, has turned 22 years
old of existence last Friday,
as shown in the special
report by Angélica Reis,
which is another headline.
The Spiritist Community all
over the world have
celebrated yesterday, 18th,
one more anniversary of The
Spirits’ Book, the most
important volume of Kardec’s
work and of the Spiritist
Doctrine, which, according
to the confrere Milton
Medran Moreira, “proposes a
new paradigm scientific-phylosophical
to the Western and Christian
culture”. The article by the
confrere from Porto Alegre
City, Rio Grande do Sul,
makes part of the present
edition of this magazine
which is its third year of