After various discussions
and a detailed analysis, the
magazine’s direction has
decided to implement the
following innovations
regarding the divulgation of
Spiritist books from this
edition on:
The session Livros
novos (New Books)
has been renamed to
Livros - Lançamentos
– Releases)
under the responsibility
of José Carlos Munhoz
Pinto, keeps the
divulgation of all
Spiritist books
released, without
excluding any author and
highlighting that it is
just an informative
session. Thus, the
magazine neither
recommends nor
disapproves any book
presented, being up to
the reader to evaluate
From this edition on,
the magazine presents a
new session entitled
Livros que recomendamos
we recommend),
under the responsibility
of Eunice de Oliveira
Cazetta. The guide
criterion for this
session is the
divulgation of books
that are really
important to the
improvement of the
Spiritist knowledge,
which will happen to
help people who want to
acquire more information
about the Spiritist
Is it possible to be happy
in our world? This is the
theme of the editorial this
week, entitled “Happiness in
the world we live in”.
One of the headlines in this
edition is the interview
that the confrere Mário
Suriani, from Guarulhos
(SP), founder of the book
retailer Sinal Verde,
conceded to our collaborator
and editor Orson Peter
Carrara, in which the
interviewee tells his
experience in the field of
Spiritist books
Another headline this week
is the especial report about
nervous anorexia and its
causes, written by our
collaborator Leonardo
Machado, from Recife (PE).
Dermeval Carinhana Jr., from
Campinas (SP), presents how
the WEB radio station
Espírita Campinas started
and keeps divulgating the
Doctrine throughout the
worldwide computer network
since 1st May 2007. The
report is also a headline in
this edition.