To the ones who associate
the word charity to alms or
to a simple beneficence, the
phrase “Outside charity
there is no salvation”,
written by Kardec, seems to
be inappropriate and even
absurd. But charity is not
limited to that, as its
concept is much more ample
and goes beyond of giving
something to someone, as
shown in this week’s
editorial, entitle
Charity and its fundamental
The subject is the central
theme of the interview that
the confrere Hugo Gonçalves
conceded to our collaborator
and editor Marcel Gonçalves,
which constitutes one of the
headlines in this edition.
In the interview, the
estimated confrere Hugo, an
example of goodness and
dedication to the Spiritist
Cause, clarifies with
notable precision what the
word charity means and how
we should exercise it.
Another headline in this
number is the conclusion of
the article in which Jáder
Sampaio talks about the
Spiritist view regarding the
healings and passes in the
Jewish-Christian tradition.
This first part of the
article was published in the
last edition.
Last week, an important
event congregated Spiritist
leaders from different
countries in Liège, Belgium,
who went there in order to
participate of one more
ordinary meeting of the
International Spiritist
Council – ISC, as Claudia
Werdine shows in a special
report which is another
headline in this edition.
Next Tuesday, 16th June,
evokes an important fact in
the history of Spiritism. On
16/6/1871, William Crookes
gave to the Queen Victoria
of England, the report
confirming the veracity of
the mediumistic phenomena
produced by the medium
Florence Cook.
With this edition, the study
of the Revue Spirite
from 1863, published in this
magazine over 16 weeks, is
concluded and will be
followed by the study of the
Revue Spirite from