Every time that we talk
about the importance of the
Spiritism divulgation, a
special subject comes to our
mind. We refer to the
well-known reincarnatory
programming, theme of this
week’s editorial, entitled
The programming of the
ones who return to the
The task of divulgation of
the Spiritist teachings is
the central subject of the
interview that the confrere
Adnilson Luis Andrade Silva,
from Barra Mansa, Rio de
Janeiro, conceded to our
collaborator and editor
Orson Peter Carrara, in
which the interviewee talks
about the Spiritist Movement
in Rio de Janeiro state and
the 21st edition
of the Spiritist Month in
his city. The interview is
one of the headlines in this
Another headline is the
special entitled
Communication with the dead,
in which Paulo da Silva Neto
Sobrinho reminds us that,
although it is a hard path,
sooner or later the official
science will proof in a
comprehensive and peremptory
way that the communication
with the dead exists, and
then difficult will be to
deny it, as do today the
ones against Spiritism.
The 18th Spiritist Week of
Londrina will take place
from 11th to 19th July. It
is a traditional Spiritist
event that will have as
central theme “Spiritual
Evolution: Challenges in the
3rd millennium”. Laércio
Furlan, from Curitiba,
Paraná, will make the
inaugural speech on Saturday
11th at 7:45pm, as shows the
special report by Angélica
Reis, which also constitutes
one of the headlines in the
present edition.
Many readers of this
magazine, especially the
ones who started reading it
recently, do not know that
is possible to easily access
all previous editions of the
O Consolador by just
clicking the link “Edições
anteriores” (Previous
Editions) and then clicking
the desired edition. Our
purpose is to keep available
all magazine editions so
that the website visitor can
read every edition, not only
the current one, which is
not a very common feature
regarding publications on
the Internet.