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Year 3 - N° 120 – August 16, 2009

São Paulo - SP (Brasil)
Alcíone Fagundes dos Santos - alcionefagundes1@gmail.com



Thematic and style in works
of the medium


Following the thematic and stylistic analysis of books of the medium Divaldo Franco, now we will examine other Spiritual Authors.

The Spirit Manoel Vianna de Carvalho (1874-1926) was born in Ico / Ceará, he was military engineer, graduated in mathematics, physical sciences, considered as one of the biggest magistrate of Spiritism of his time, inspiring founding of several Spiritist Centers in various states of Brazil. Having embraced the ideal spiritist 17 years before, he was also a great polemicist  and  promoter  of  evangelism   of

children and young people, and he also early worked for the cause of unification of Brazilian spiritists. He dictated four books by Divaldo using a completely different thematic from others Spiritual Authors, using numerous historical, scientific and philosophical citations of much erudition, exposing his thoughts with his own reflection and language, completely different from other Spiritual Authors: 

When philosophy change its structure with Hegel, Marx and Engels, setting that soul is unnecessary for interpretation of life and understanding of universe, when Florens and Cuvier declare that have never found soul in hundreds of cadavers that they dissected, in the instant when Brousse, Bouillaud, mockery immortal soul and Moleschot, Büchner and Karl Vogt stated that spirit is weeping brain, Allan Kardec appears with destructive force of logic and reason, based on language of insurmountable facts, to affirm the Causality of  universe, pre-existing of soul to body and its survival to grave, presenting a unique science, the result of laborious research work based on experience and that will resist to pessimism, harassment and discrediting. (Vianna de Carvalho - Reflections Spiritist, LEAL / BA, pp. 12.) 

Philosophy and science are, as you can see, the themes used by the Spirit Vianna de Carvalho. 

The Spirit Joanna de Angelis, which is the Spiritual Guide of the medium Divaldo Franco, dictate to him more than fifty books, and around fifteen of them comprise a psychological series. In this psychological series the spirit talks with clarity about the history of psychology, in a specific way and with several academic and historical citations. Many of these books are Psychological Essays and several times, we hear students of psychology, from several Brazilian cities, telling the medium Divaldo that they were studying Joanna de Angelis’ books at University and they were considered updated information.

The latest incarnation of the well known Spirit of Joanna de Angelis occurred in Salvador / BA, as Joana Angélica de Jesus (1761-1822), she was a religious that helped abandoned girls, disembodied in the Convento da Lapa when resisting heroic and peaceful to invasion of troops against the independence of Brazil.

Joanna de Angelis was one of the saint women
who helped the Master

Other known incarnation of Joanna de Angelis was in Mexico, as Soror Juana Inés de La Cruz (1651-1695), born in the village of San Miguel Nepantla, she learned to read when she was three years old. He was religious, theologian, poet and polyglot, considered one of the greatest intellectuals of her time, she disembodied as victim of a fever, contracted because of the assistance she provided to contaminated patients. The Spirit Joanna de Angelis had also a known incarnation in Assisi / Italy in the thirteenth century, when she had close contact with Francis of Assisi and Clare, with them she attended lepers. Another embodiment of the spirit that Joanna de Angelis, happened in the time when Jesus lived, when she was Joanna, the wife of Cusa, pantry man of Herod Antipas. Joana was one of the saint women who helped the Master, being cited by the evangelist Luke (8.3 and 24, 10) and described by the Spirit Humberto de Campos, in the book Good News (Chapter 15), psychographic by Chico Xavier. Joana de Cusa was martyred in the year 68, for being Christian. 

Consider some excerpts from one of her books just to give the reader an idea of its contents:

The pragmatist American psychologist, William James, described human biotypes in weak and strong spirits, while Ernesto Krestchmer, German psychiatrist, considered persons according to the temperament of the individual in picnic, or round person, athletic, or square person, and the asthenia, thin person. Given this conclusion, he said that there are spirits schizoid and cyclothymic, and Carl Jung considered introverts and extroverts. In all of them there is a common desire: weak are empowered, cyclothymic harmonize and introverts and externalise. Psychotherapies are applied according to the revelations of unconscious, pulling files from the psyche of factors that cause trauma and determined the conflict, interpreting occurrence of dreams and the release cathartic in long period of analysis. Only the careful probing of mysteries of the past provide the opportunity of meeting past causes that generates current problems. A transpersonal analyses frees them of taboos, including distorted view of reality, which is no longer the sole earthly expression, to carry it to immortal life, preceding body and surviving to it, demonstrating that success, triumph, failure, do not present themselves as immediate social proposal, but other more significant and powerful. (Joanna de Angelis - The Conscious Being, LEAL / BA, 1st ed., Pp. 53.) 

The vocabulary and topics used by the Spirit Joanna de Angelis in these books are specific to psychological science and they were used in spiritists Seminars and Conferences in various states of Brazil and even abroad, which is undoubtedly a new phase of mediumistic literature in where spirituality can act more directly on human reality.

Phenomenon of bi-xenoglossy in text of Victor Hugo psychographic by Divaldo

To continue the study literary / mediumistic is necessary to make a comment about the outstanding poet, novelist, playwright, politician, journalist and French speaker Victor Hugo, born in 1802 and disembodied in 1885, regarded as one of the most fertile writers of all time. Since 1993 it has been done a huge research on the French writer (based on his complete works), to compare his literary characteristics with the constant in all his works psychographic by medium Divaldo Franco. 

Divaldo psychographic eight works attributed to this spirit. Were recorded thousands of features in common between the writer Victor Hugo and the Spirit Victor Hugo (metaphors, hyperbolae, antitheses, neologisms, vocabulary, local colour - that is, the ambiance -, quotations in Latin, in Spanish, in English, the grotesque, the ludicrous, onomastic, linguistic peculiarities, method emphatic, citations geographical, historical, mythology etc.). The results of this comprehensive comparison review are already visible.

The works of Victor Hugo Spirit through Divaldo are novels, that is something completely different from books of poetry, of stories, theological, from chronicles, narratives of evangelical, family and others, also very different in style and thematic of the Spirit Victor Hugo, completely distinct from styles and thematic of other Spiritual Authors. 

Victor Hugo was Latinist because even in his puberty he had knowledge that exceeded his teacher of Latin, and, when young, Victor Hugo already made translations of Latin classics. In books psychographic by Divaldo there are dozens of Latin quotations. We will cite only one because that has it aggravate of the phenomenon of bi-xenoglossiy (two cases of simultaneous xenoglossy) because while the quote was written in Latin was also written in Italian: 

- Cor magis tibi Sena pandit (Siena t’apre un cuore più di questa porta) (Siena open your heart more than your door). (Pariahs of Liberation, Victor Hugo, First Book, 6, pp. 81.)

We will do two more citations (among thousands annotated), where the ludicrous (i.e. satiric) were mixed with metaphoric: 

As embodied in “The Miserable”, one of the main and most famous novels of the writer Victor Hugo, we find: 

-In the presence of Jehovah he would go up leaping with both feet together the steps of Paradise. (The Miserables, Victor Hugo, Part Three, Book First, Chapter IX, vol. 3, pp. 296.)

- If anyone could survive a hot rifles received in the chest, there would not be different expression from Fauchelevent at that moment. (The Miserables, Victor Hugo, Part Two, Book Eight, Chapter V, vol. 3, pp. 216.)

It is shown that content of the work of mediumistic Divaldo Franco is encyclopedic 

There is clearly the ludicrous (the satirist), permeated with language metaphorically. In the books psychographic by Divaldo dictated by the Spirit Victor Hugo, we can find the same feature (the burlesque metaphorical):

- and I was also a corpse that breathed. (Atonement Sublime, Victor Hugo, First Book, 6, pp. 94.)

 - It would be like asking the hungry lion to take care of newborn pups of the gazelle. (Falls and Ascension, Victor Hugo, Part Two, 4, pp. 129.)  

We can also remember the character of Victor Hugo thoroughly when he describes the characters, material and psychological, their clothing, always using metaphors: 

In “The Humpback of Notre Dame”, another of his best-known books, we have:

- was standing in the shadows, immobile as a statue, a vigorous and strong man in harness of war and jackets emblazoned with squared face and, riven by two eyes to flower, torn by enormous mouth, hiding the ears in two large shields of hair flat, without forehead, had at the same time whatever was from a tiger and a dog. (Notre Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo, Part Two, Book Tenth, Chapter V, vol. 9, pp. 343.) 

In Books psychographic by Divaldo Spirit dictated by Victor Hugo there is also the same feature description:

- The very tight pants, stuck in high socks that are set with beauty and the strip in the belt, well adjusted on the shirt usually in worked and fine lace, are supplemented with uniform adorned in baggy sleeves to facilitate handling of bullfight man. Tied hair, completed in a short delicate ponytail, gives the winner of arena a elegant aspect, which impresses the worshipers mass. The shoe well adjusted to the feet, is indispensable complement to the race, to facilitate the rapid movement of real step in ballet. Supplemented by the hat that he rarely puts on his head, the hero is prepared for battle. (Falls and Ascension, Victor Hugo, Part One, 2, pp. 40.) 

To join Victor Hugo’s universe we would need to be something unique to study literary this great writer, now in spirit, he has written eight novels by medium Divaldo Franco. But this work that is being done will have an appropriate advertising and we believe that with the citations made, we can already have a small idea. 

In a next article we will continue to focus on thematic and stylistic differences of some spiritual authors that dictated books through the medium Divaldo, this time Spiritual Authors that were awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature. 

Is, we believe, perfectly demonstrated that content of the work of mediumistic Divaldo Franco is - again - encyclopedic and incompatible with his intellectual training, he did even studied the intermediate level at school.


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