The Brazilian Association of
Atheists and Agnostics sent
to the Public Ministry of
Sao Paulo a document aiming
the removal of religious
symbols from the public
sector bodies and
departments, under the
argument of that, if the
State is laic, there’s no
reason for the public bodies
to use such symbols, a
subject which is covered in
this week’s editorial,
The laic State and the
religious symbols.
One of the highlights in the
current edition is the
interview conceded by the
confrere Gladis Pedersen de
Oliveira, current president
of the Spiritist Federation
of Rio Grande do Sul, to our
collaborator and editor
Antonio Augusto Nascimento.
With a good reputation in
the Infant Education field,
coordinating the project
Conte Mais (Tell More),
Gladis speaks about the
importance of such work and
her achievements while
leading the institution.
Another highlight this week
is the final part of the
special report entitled
How the devil was born,
written by the confrere
Rogério Coelho, from Muriaé
(MG). The first part has
been published in the
edition 123 of this
In a pioneer initiative,
Vitoria Alice Cleaver, Brazilian
ambassador in Switzerland,
invited the Spiritist
community in that country
late last month for a
meeting in the Brazilian
Consulate in Zurich, as
shows Claudia Werdine in a
special report, which is
another highlight in this
With this issue we start the
methodical study of the book
Between Earth e Heaven,
by André Luiz, work
psychographed by the medium
Francisco Cândido Xavier.
This is the seventh work of
the same author weekly
studied in this magazine. So
that the reader can have
access to the previous
studies, just click on the
link Edições anteriores
(Previous Editions), and
you will find all issues.