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Year 3 - N° 136 – December 6, 2009
Londres, Inglaterra (Reino Unido)
Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

Rubens Casotto Peres:

“Spiritism is everything in my life”

The Coordinator of Life Spiritist Society, who is from Vitória (ES - Brazil), talks about the spiritist movement in Copenhagen, Denmark, where he has been living for the last six years


This week we we present you with an interview from Rubens Peres (picture). He currently lives in Denmark and coordinates the group Life Spiritist Society, based in Copenhagen.

In this following interview he talks about spiritist activities that are happening in this city. He also talks about how spiritist teaching are seen in Denmark and brings us his personal view on key topics such as violence and abortion. 


O Consolador: 2. Where were you born?  

I was born in Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil.

O Consolador: When did you move to Copenhague?

I left Brazil 11 years ago. I initially moved to London where I lived for 5 years. I then moved to Denmark. I always looked for ways to become a better human being and to learn about different cultures.

O Consolador: What is your education level? 

I have graduated in Financial Management, and I have specialised in Logistics.

O Consolador: What roles have you performed in the Spiritist movement? 

I have got involved with Spiritism in Europe. I worked in several groups and had the opportunity to perform different roles. I am now coordinating the group Life Spiritist Society. This group is located in Copenhagen, Denmarc. Please note the website: www.lifevida.webs.com.  

O Consolador:  When was your first contact with Spiritism?

I got to know Spiritism for the first time in a place called Aracruz, Espírito Santo. I took part on some public meetings at a local spiritist group. 

O Consolador: Was there a special event in your life that allowed this contact?

No, not really. I come from a Catholic family. I have always been very religiuos. I have always had faith in God, but at the right time I got involved with Spiritism.

O Consolador: What was your family’s reaction? 

My family respected my choice of religion. Whenever I talk to my mother regarding this topic, we always mention the following: Love God above all things. I learn so much about religion with my mother, by the way.... 

O Consolador: Which of the threes aspects of Spiritism (Science, Philosophy or Religion) attract you the most? 

I really enjoy studying the Doctrine based on the scientific aspect of it. 

O Consolador: What books do you consider indispensable for those who are starting off in Spiritism?

The books Souls’ illness (Doenças da Alma) from Dr. Roberto Brólio and The Gospel According to Spiritism. 

O Consolador: Is Spiritism a religion for you? 

Yes, for me it is a religion. Moral can be found within science and philosophy. This is the reason why we need to remember what Allan Kardec wrote at the book What is Spiritism: "Spiritism is at the same time a observational science and a philosophical doctrine. As a science, it consists in the relationships that can be stablished with the spirits; as a philosophy, it comprehends all the moral consequences that can be caused by those relationships". 

O Consolador: In regards to Healing Meetings, how do you orientate your workers at the spiritist centre you currently coordinate? 

At Life Spiritist Society we do offer free healing to the public. The way we apply it is by imposing the hands over the head.

O Consolador: How do you see abortion and the discussion that is going on around this topic?  

As someone who studies Spiritism, I understand abortion is not acceptable. I believe people will realise with time that the consequences of abortion revert back to the person who practiced it. 

O Consolador: Have you had contact with the Brazilian Spiritist Movement?

We don’t have a lot of contact with the Brazilian Spiritist Movement , in fact. We always try to use training and study material that comes from Brazil in our meetings, whenever possible. I believe the Brazilian Spiritist Movement is rich of great tools to be used to disclose Spiritism worldwide. 

O Consolador: How is the Spiritist Movement in your country today?  

It is important to highlight we work in accordance with our needs and possibilities. Each  country is completely different and unique. In Denmark, we are surrounded by people who don’t believe in God, but at the same time are very charitable. We focus on the moral part of Spiritism, so that we can be accepted and respected on a widder context. 

O Consolador: Are there many spiritist centres in your country? 

There are two spiritist groups in Denmark. I don’t know how it started, but I believe it’s all been conducted in accordance with the teachings codified by Allan Kardec. 

O Consolador: Is it well-accepted in Denmark? 

Denish people respect it and accept it well. Therefore, they prefer not to get involved. 

O Consolador: Are there any challenges faced with the disclosure of Spiritism outside Brazil? 

I haven’t felt any challenge to develop my spiritist work outside Brazil. I always tried to give as much as I could to the dissemination of the Doctrine, but always respecting others’ limits, especially respecting the locals.

O Consolador: How do you see the level of criminality and violence which appears to increase everywhere in Brazil and worldwide? How can spiritists collaborate to change this situation? 

This will pass on day, as this is just a phase. People will become conscious that the level of criminality and violence needs to pass, even if it takes many existences to happen. Each person takes its own time and has its own pace. We, spiritists, can pray for the spirits who are still involved with criminality violence. That’s the best way we can cooperate with the change.

O Consolador: About the problems that the earthly society is facing, what should be the top priority for Spiritism in Brazil and the world?

The top priority for Spiritism in Brazil and the world should be the study, focused on LOVE.

O Consolador: What is Spiritism for you? How important is it to your life?

Spiritism is everything in my life. I transformed myself and learned to love more and more as soon as I got to know Spiritism. We always mention to each other at the Fraternal Meetings we host at our group:– What would it be if we didn’t have the Life Spiritist Society? We concluded that we are thankful for the opportunity to be reincarnated in Earth, working on our inner reformation and living in Denmark.



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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism