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The New Testament
We present in this issue
the topic #136 from the
Systematized Study of
the Spiritist Doctrine,
that is being presented
weekly, according to the
programme elaborated by
the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation (FEB),
structured in 6 modules
and 147 topics.
If the reader uses this
program for a study
group, we suggest that
questions proposed be
discussed freely before
the reading of the text
that follows. If you
would like to study
alone, we ask you to try
to answer the questions
at first and only then
read the text that
follows. The answer key
can be found at the end
of the lesson.
1. How many parts can be
divided into the New
2. Which Gospels are
called synoptic and why
they are given this
3. In the Gospels
accepted by the Church
as divinely inspired, as
there are called
apocryphal Gospels?
4. Where in the Gospel
of John differs from the
5. How many shares,
according to Kardec, can
divide the materials
contained in the
The New Testament can be
divided into two parts
1. According to J.
Herculano Pires (see
"Introduction to the
Book of Spirits", Lake,
1957), was the hand of
Moses discovered the
Bible. "It was not Moses
who wrote it," said
Herculano, "but he was
the main reason for this
first encoding the new
round of revelations:
the Christian." The
Bible is thus the first
codification of
Christian revelation.
The Gospel is the
encoding of the second
Christian revelation -
accentuates Herculaneum
- "that glows in the
center of the triad of
these revelations, with
the figure of Christ the
sun that lights the
other two, which casts
its light on the past
and future, building
among both the necessary
connection. " The Old
Testament can be
compared, in the words
of Emmanuel, the appeal
of men to God. The New
Testament was the answer
of God to men, and "The
Spirit’s Book", a
summary of this
2. The New Testament can
be divided into two
parts: the Gospels and
the Apostolic Writings.
The Gospels appeared in
this order: Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John The
Apostolic Writings
consist of Acts, written
by Lucas between years
62 and 63 AD, the
Epistles and the
3. The Epistles are
letters that Paul,
James, Peter, John and
Jude wrote to Christian
communities. Paul wrote
14 letters to
addressees. The letters
written by the other
Apostles are considered
universal or Catholic,
are not targeted by the
church or people such as
Paul of Tarsus.
4. Revelation was
written by John on the
Isle of Patmos, between
94 and 96 AD.
The first three Gospels
are called synoptic
5. Matthew, or Levi, the
publican who is part of
the College of the
Twelve Apostles, wrote
the first Gospel,
composed in Hebrew, that
is, Aramaic, and later
translated into Greek.
John, the apostle of the
Lord, Mark and Luke
wrote their texts in
Greek. Mark, who lived
not with Christ, thanks
to write it with the
reminiscences of Peter.
Lucas has used other
sources, including Paul
of Tarsus.
6. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark and Luke
are called the synoptic
gospels because they
provide an overall view,
given the similarity of
their versions. The
Gospel of John, the last
of the four, is a
singular work and
follows a different
7. We must, however,
remember that alongside
these Gospels which were
the only ones recognized
by the Church as
authentic and divinely
inspired, are known
today about twenty
texts, called the
Apocrypha, a figure that
in the third century
Origen claimed to be
much larger and
Fabricius estimated
8. The Synoptic Gospels
feel strongly imbued
with the Judeo-Christian
thought inherent to the
apostles, as the Gospel
of John is inspired by
different influence and,
despite being more
complex, is addressed to
Christians in general.
In the Gospels that
matters is the moral
teachings of Jesus
9. John seems to have
suffered, in writing it,
very strong influence of
one school of thought
widespread in certain
circles of Judaism,
whose expression was
recently rediscovered in
the documents of Qumran
Essenes, of which it
attaches particular
importance to
10. With respect to the
subject, Emmanuel wrote:
"The pieces in the
Gospel accounts are
identified naturally
with each other, as
indispensable parts of a
whole, but we are
compelled to note that
if Matthew, Mark and
Luke were given the task
to present the texts
sacred, the Shepherd of
Israel in its
characteristic sublime,
John took the task of
revealing the Divine
Christ in his sacred
mission universalist "(O
Consolador, issue 284).
11. In the introduction
to his book "The Gospel
According to Spiritism,
Allan Kardec asserted:"
They can be divided into
five parts the materials
contained in the
Gospels: the ordinary
acts of life of Christ,
the miracles, the
predictions: the words
that were taken the
Church to ground its
dogmas and moral
teaching. The first four
have been controversial,
the latter, however,
kept constantly
challenged. Given this
divine code, the very
unbelief bends. Is land
where all faiths can
meet, banner under which
they can all put up,
whatever their beliefs,
because it was never
matter of religious
12. The warning Encoder
Spiritism and the way in
times when there have
been many controversies
about the ordinary acts
of Christ's life and the
characters who were part
of it, because for us
what is really important
in the Gospels are the
moral teachings that
they contain, and it is
there that we can find
the resources we hold in
the infallible way of
happiness expected. The
dispute referred to are
of interest to cinema
and fiction writers, but
have no relevance to the
Christian conscious of
their role and their