In this year’s beginning, we
can’t ignore that the large
majority of people, here and
abroad, still waits for the
advent of effective happy
days, in which peace may
reign in the hearts and
conscience is no longer
disturbed by the lack of
tranquility, as shows this
week’s editorial, entitled
New Years’ Eve.
Amongst the highlights in
this edition, we call your
attention to the interview
conceded to our collaborator
and editor Orson Peter
Carrara by the confrere
Nélio Augusto Luzze, rooted
in the city of Macaé (Rio de
Janeiro state) and
enthusiastic for using
Internet as a mean of
divulgation of the Spiritist
Doctrine. During the
interview, the confrere
talks about the Spiritist
Movement in his city and
Another highlight in this
issue is the special article
by Abel Sidney, teacher and
writer rooted in Porto Velho
city, capital of Roraima
state. The confrere, author
of Lições De Um Suicida:
Um Estudo do Clássico
Memórias De Um Suicida
(Lessons Of A Suicide: Study
Of The Classic Memories Of A
Suicide), analyzes the
subject-matter of suicide
and its nuances in his
article. Divided into two
parts, the text of the
special will have its
conclusion in the next
edition of this magazine.
In December, the Spiritist
Federation of the state of
Bahia has celebrated 94
years of activities towards
unification, as shows the
report by Adilton Pugliese,
our correspondent in
Salvador, which also
constitutes one of the
highlights in the present
This week it’s celebrated
one more birthday of Joan of
Arc (Domrémy, January 6th
1412 — Rouen, May 30th
1431), daughter of Jacques
of Arc and Isabelle Romée,
heroin of the Hundred Years’
War and designated as
patroness of France years
after her martyrdom. She was
and audient medium of a rare
talent, to whom Léon Denis
dedicated an important work,
which is seen as one of the
classics of Spiritism.