The cases of corruption that
have been on the news in
Brazil, covering from frauds
against the Social Security
to the recent episode of the
“monthly bribe payments” in
the Federal District of
Brazil, demonstrate that the
moral crisis that affects
the country isn’t a problem
of this or that region, this
or that social class, as
covered by this week’s
editorial, entitled Moral
crisis, a problem of
difficult solution.
Among the highlights in this
edition, we call the
reader’s attention to the
interview conceded to our
collaborator and editor
Orson Peter Carrara by the
confrere Sebastião Miguel de
Lima, a famous speaker from
São Paulo, who tells about
his start in Spiritism and
his divulging work performed
with speeches and recently
with the book
Existe algo Além (There’s
something beyond),
in which he analyzes the
damages from pride, jealousy
illusions and the blesses of
Another highlight this week
is the special report
entitled O sexo e a
homossexualidade à luz da
Doutrina Espírita (Sex and
homosexuality under the
light of the Spiritist
Doctrine), written by
the confrere Leonardo Marmo
Moreira, from São José dos
Campos (state of Sao Paulo).
Web Radio Fraternity, from
Uberlândia (state of Minas
Gerais), officially launched
on February 1st 2009, has
celebrated its first year of
existence this week, as
shows the special report
that is also a highlight
this week.
On this date – February 7th
– the disincarnation of Auta
de Souza took place in the
year of 1901.
The notable poetess, born on
September 12th 1876 in
Macaíba (state of Rio Grande
do Norte), deceased in
Natal, capital of the same
state in Brazil, at the age
of 24, leaving her only book
as a legacy, Horto.
Auta de Souza has
participated with 16 poems
in the book Parnaso de
Além-Túmulo (Parnassus of
beyond the tomb), work
psychographed by Francisco
Cândido Xavier.