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Year 3 - N° 147 – February 28, 2010

Niterói, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com

The moral influence of the medium in communications

 (Second and final Part)

The moral influence of the medium in communications According to the teachings spirit, if the medium, in terms of implementation, not merely an instrument, has, however, influence,
under the moral 

According to spiritist teachings and from the point of view of execution of the communication the medium is nothing more than an instrument. From the moral point of view however, the medium exerts great influence

A discarnated Hottentot, still attached to the physical body, in communicating with an Earth-wise people, will not be able to offer different information other than the trivial matters of primitivist experiences which took place to him in the world. A wise person, without the carnal body, relating to the Hottentot who is still attached to their African “habitat”, cannot provide the Hottentot with immediate cooperation, if not in the basic work in which his mental interests are crystallised, such as aids to a cattle herd or the cure of illnesses of a dense body. Therefore, the Hottentot would not feel happy in the company of a wise person and the wise person, in turn, would not take long with the Hottentot, for lack of this almost imponderable nourishment which we might call “compensated vibration”.

It is the law, that our greatest joys are collected on contacting those who, in understanding us, permute with us mental values with qualities similar to ours, as much as trees offer a greater rate of production if are placed between others of the same species with which they exchange germinating pollen.

In mediumship, therefore we cannot forget the problem of tuning. We attract Spirits who tune with us as much as we are attracted by them, and if it is true that each of us can only give according to what one has got, it is undeniable that each one receives in accordance with what one gives.

The mind being the basis of all psychic manifestations, whatever be the characteristic in which they express themselves, it is essential to enrich the thought, by incorporating to it moral and cultural treasures, the only ones that enable us to fix the light that streams towards us, from the higher spheres, through the genius of wisdom and of love that oversees our experiences.

Those who have compared our mental world to a mirror have proceeded correctly.

We reflect the images that surround us and fling the images we create in the direction of others.

We are all mediums, in the areas of activity in
which we are situated

And, as we cannot escape from the imperative of the attraction, we just reflect clarity and beauty, if we install beauty and clarity in the mirror of our inner life...

... Sanctifying missions and destructive wars, noble tasks and perfidious obsessions, have their home of origin in the reflections of the individual or collective mind, combined with the sublimated forces or degrading thoughts that nourish themselves.

Therefore we shall know to cultivate education, improving ourselves every day.
We are all mediums, in the in areas of activities in which we are situated.

The psychic force, in this or that level of expression is peculiar to all beings, but there is no mediumistic improvement without perfecting the individuality.
It is counterproductive to increase the movement of energy without disciplining impulses.

It is dangerous to own it without knowing how to use it.

The mirror buried in the mud does not reflect the magnificence of the Sun.
The agitated lake does not reflect the image of the star that lies in the infinite.

Let us raise our standard of knowledge through well-conducted study and measure the quality of our emotion by constant exercise of higher virtues, if we propose to take in the message of the Great Souls.
Mediumship by itself is not enough.

It is essential to know what kind of mental wave we assimilate in order to know the quality of our work and judge our direction."

We can easily identify the values of the individual
through the rays that one emits

Chapter 2:

Aulus clarifies to André Luiz and his partner Hilary the possibility of the spiritual plan to evaluate the possibilities of groups of workers of the physical plan in the mediumistic task, with the help of a special device called a Psicoscope.

In our effort of supervision, we can classify without difficulty the prospects of this or that group of mediumistic services that appear in the world. By analysing the psicoscopic reading of a personality or a team, you can note in them the possibilities and categorize the situation in them.

According to the radiations they project, we plan the work that they can be fulfilled in time. If the spectroscope enables men to investigate the nature of the chemical elements, located at great distances via light waves that are spilled from them, with greater ease we can identify the values of the human individuality by the rays one emits. Morality, feeling, character and education are clearly visible through a slight inspection.

But - asked the researcher Hilary - and in the event of entities deeply attached to evilness arising in a group of cooperative workers of the good, by having access to the psicoscopic records. Will the spiritual mentors expel them?

It will not be needed. If the majority remain committed to the expansion of the good, the minority imprisoned in evil will distance themselves from the group, little by little, for lack of affinity.

However - also claimed my partner - what happens in an institution whose program degenerates into high imbalance, prompting us to recognize that virtue is nothing more than a fictional flag, covering up ignorance and wickedness?

So in this case - said the questioned mentor in a tolerant manner– we refrain from any system of persecution or abuse. Life itself takes care of placing us in a place that matches us...

The Spirit in turbidity is of unsound mind
requesting help from us

... We cannot achieve any study of mediumistic faculties, without the study of personality. I therefore feel the assessment of brain centres is extremely important. These centres represent the bases of operation of the thought and of the will affect in an understandable manner in mediumistic phenomena, from the pure intuition to objective materialisation. These features deserve the protection and assistance of the wise and benevolent Spirits in their tasks of love and sacrifice close to men, when mediums maintain themselves in the higher ideal of kindness and service to others and who on many occasions can be held by inferior or animalistic entities (Spirits) in pitiable cases of obsession...

... Many mediums risk themselves in loss of that order. After promising rehearsals and a bright start, they believe themselves masters of spiritual resources that do not belong to them or are afraid of the prolonged sufferings of the march and withdraw themselves into uselessness, decreasing from the moral level or nestling themselves in a unproductive rest, as they inevitably retake the culture of the primitive impulses that incessant work in the good would induce us to forget...

... Our spiritual achievements of the present are tiny strings of light on the pyramids of shadow of our past. It is essential to have much caution with the sowing of good so the wind of evil does not destroy it. That is why the mediumistic task, considered as instrumentation for the work of the superior Intelligences, is not so easy to be carried out successfully in time, against the yet fragile channel that is offered to the passage of light, affect the heavy waves of the darkness of ignorance, to churn themselves, compacted, to our surroundings ... "

Chapter 3

"... The Spirit in turbidity is of unsound mind, requesting help. In the sessions of charity, which we attended to, the first rescue worker is the medium that receives the spirit, but, if this rescuer falls into the vibration pattern of the needy spirit who asks help from him, there is little hope for effective support. The medium, therefore, when integrated into the responsibilities they have taken up, has a duty to cooperate in the preservation of order and of respectability in the work of assistance to the discarnated, allowing that this manifestation does not conflict with the essential dignity to the hall...

We will always walk together with the influx of our own creations, wherever that may be

... And in a happy picture to illustrate the subject, added:

- A passive medium, in such circumstances, can be compared to the service of the surgical table, retaining the patient in need of medical treatment.
If the specialised furniture did not have strength and humility, any intervention would be completely impossible ... "

Chapter 13

In the case of mediumship, let us not forget the thought.

Our soul lives where the heart is.

We will always walk together with the influx of our own creations, wherever that may be.

The attraction in the mental field is so incisive, as in the sphere of physical experience.

By serving the general progress, the soul moves itself in the glory of the good, immures itself in selfishness, drags itself in disequilibrium, under the darkness of evil.

The Divine law is the good of all.

To assist in the execution of its wise purposes is to enlighten the mind and brighten life. To put obstacles before it on the grounds of cherishing pernicious whims, is to obscure reasoning and to strengthen the shadow around ourselves.

It is essential to judge the direction of one’s own steps in order to avoid the fog of perturbation and the pain of repentance

In matters of the spirit there is no neutrality.

We evolve with the eternal light, according to the will of God, or we will stay stationary in the darkness, as the unwarranted determination our ego.

In our areas of work the act of believing and
convincing is not enough

... To become satisfied with a label, in religious matters, without any effort at inner sublimation, is as dangerous for the soul as holding an honorary title amongst men with disregard for the responsibility it imposes.
Evidences of faith are not made up by mere words which cover up our weaknesses and shortcomings from ourselves. They express duties of improvement from which we will not be permitted to run, without worsening of obligations.

In our areas of work the act of believing and convincing is not enough.

Nobody is really spiritist at depth, merely because one has managed to cure a stubborn scabies, with the help of friendly spirits, and takes a decision therefore to accept the intervention of the afterlife in their existence. No one is a medium, in the high concept of the term, only because they make of themselves an organ of communication between the visible and invisible creatures.

To obtain the position of work to which we are destined, in accordance with higher principles that we emphasize in the script, it is necessary to achieve their essence in our road, through the testimony of our conversion to sanctifying love.

It will not suffice, therefore, to meditate on the greatness of our higher idealism. One must substantiate to oneself the magnificence in our way of acting of every day or in the way we behave each day.

It is very important that we mediums, become aware of the great benefit that the proper exercising of mediumship provides us, and constantly seek to improve the tasks of spiritual help, to go up some stairs of the scale of spiritual progress which has in Jesus Christ the role model for all, exercising the practice of charity towards the most needy, spreading the good around our steps, following his examples and finally being able to effect our long-sought and needed moral reform.

(The first part of this article appeared in the previous edition of this magazine.)


1) The Mediums’ Book, Chapter 20.

2) In the Domains of Mediumship, by the Spirit Andre Luiz, automatic written by Chico Xavier.



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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism