linked to the Spiritist
movement will aknowledge the
importance of a Spiritist
Congress to the vitality of
the spiritual movement, the
exchange of experiences and
reconciliation among people
that face the same
difficulties and problems in
their cities. It’s time to
discuss its form and content,
as suggested by the this
week’s editorial entitled
“It is necessary to rethink
the spiritist congresses’
One of the highlights of
this edition is the
interview conceded by our
confrere José Eurípedes
Garcia, from Igarapava-SP to
our colleague Orson Peter
Carrara. José is one of the
advisors to the
International Spiritist
Council (ISC) and during
this interview he speaks
about his experience in the
dissemination of the
spiritist doctrine abroad
and the actions adopted by
Another highlight is the
special from Vinícius
Lousada, from the city of
Bage-RS, in which he exposes
his thoughts on how the
spiritist centres should
assist the less favored
The third Brazilian
Spiritist congress was held
in Brazilia, the capital of
Brazil, from 15th to the
18th of April. This event
was promoted by FEB (Brazilian
Spiritist Federation), the
full artcile is part of this
edition and also one of the
highlights of the week.
In the
first 16 days of exhibition,
more than 1,9 million people
went to the cinemas in
Brazil to watch Chico Xavier
– the movie. This gives the
film directed by Daniel
Filho the first place in the
Brazilian box office.
If the film that tells the
history of our dear medium
is a success, the reader can
imagine the impact that the
movie “The Astral City”,
which is based on the book
psychographed by Chico
Xavier, will cause. Based on
the book, the movie will be
undoubtedly a great success.Click
on the below link to watch
the trailer: