Alírio de Cerqueira Filho
speaks about the
Now that another World
Spiritist Congress has taken
place in Valencia, Spain, a
question that ever so often
has been brought up,
reappears among us: How
could the spiritist movement
have lost its vitality in
countless European
countries, particularly in
France? The subject is the
theme of this week’s
Foreword, entitled Why
has the spiritist movement
weakened in France?
Among this edition’s
headlines, we highlight the
interview with fellow
colleague Alírio de
Cerqueira Filho, from Cuiabá,
MT. In the interview with
our collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara, the fellow
colleague speaks about the
Spiritise Project, which
objective is the development
of the triad proposed by
Joanna de Ângelis: to
qualify, to humanise and to
spiritise the spiritist
Another highlight of this
edition is the Special
entitled Is everything
obsession?, written by
fellow colleague Victor
Manoel Ventura Seco, from
São Paulo, SP. In the
article, which is divided
into two parts, the author
points out that obsession,
as all the illnesses and
adversities of life, must be
considered as a challenge or
expiation, and as such, to
be accepted. The second part
of the Special will be
published in our next
Between the 10th and 12th of
October, it took place in
Valencia, Spain, the 6th
World Spiritist Congress,
which could be followed live
through TVCEI, according to
this magazine’s
correspondent in Europe
Claudia Werdine’s report,
what constitutes equally one
of the highlights of this
The numbers of readers of
this magazine has increased
constantly. Last September,
according to a report by
Localweb, this site’s
administrator, there were
32,681 downloads e
210,030 magazine’s print
outs, which this year has
been accessed in 92
countries across the five
continents, highlighting –
sorted by order of the
number of visits – Brazil,
United States, Portugal,
Mexico, Russia, Sweden and