Why has weakened the Spiritist movement in France?
Now that was just done one more World Spiritist Congress in Valencia, Spain, rises between us a question that occasionally comes up: How could the spiritual movement have lost the force in many European countries, notably in France?
Many people in our country do not understand how this fact might have occurred in France, where so many eminent figures were dedicated to studies and research spirit, besides being the cradle of that nation coding Kardec, the land of Kardec and Léon Denis, Delanne Gabriel and Camille Flammarion, other spiritualists outside of notable repute.
In fact, the decline of the spiritual movement in France and its expansion into other countries, like Brazil, are something that makes us think, because in Europe the facts undeniably spirit attracted the attention of scientists and prominent personalities in the cultural world, as Cesar Lombroso and Ernesto Bozzano (Italy), Conan Doyle and William Crookes (England), Charles Richet and Flammarion (France), Aksakof (Russia), and many others whose mention here would be idle.
Crookes and Richet were awarded the Nobel prizes were, therefore, what is commonly called men of science, which had no relation to the phenomenology Spiritualist prejudice that seems to exist, today, against Spiritism.
Several explanations can be given about this fact. But it seems that the best was given by the Spirit of Gabriel Delanne, many decades after his disembodiment, in an interview granted by him to Andre Luiz, author of "Our Home", which can be seen in the book "Brothers of Other Lands, "a work by mediums psychographed Francisco Cândido Xavier and Waldo Vieira (FEB, 1966, ch. 31).
The passage in which Delanne explained his point of view is set out below:
- "That tells us about Spiritism in France?" (Question André Luiz)
Delanne: "It is fair to say we shall have attained the optimum level ..."
- "When it comes to the birthplace of Allan Kardec, be permitted us to investigate the reason for this?"
Delanne: "We must not forget that France suffered in the last twenty glosses the burden of three major wars and sufferings imposed on it terrible trials."
- "Consider that this has delayed the march of Spiritualism?"
Delanne: "Absolutely not. Legions of companions of the work of Allan Kardec reincarnated, not only in France but also in other countries, notably in Brazil, to support the building Kardecian. "
It seems that the above explanation focuses so clear a fact that is not unusual in the process of evolution of our orb. Where are the philosophers and wise Greeks and Egyptians? In either case (Greece) as in the other (Egypt), any person of average education means that these nations have not the slightest sign today, except in their buildings, that one day there has blossomed a more advanced civilization. Is that the figures that have been magnified into other places, even in this world, or in other places where life throbs and testifies to the wisdom and greatness of God.
Gabriel Delanne says it positively as legions of fellow Kardec, so French, reincarnated in other countries - notably Brazil - to make you radiate the message spiritualist.
It is therefore not without reason that our country takes a leadership role in terms of spiritual movement and that is how this same motion is raised in France and other European countries in the format and orientation of the Brazilian spirit, as seen in recent Congress held in Valencia.