Book review:
“Heirs to
the New World”
This week’s editorial,
entitled The art of
renewing hopes, speaks
about the recent Brazilian
presidential campaign, which
finished in October. The
Brazilian people
voted with the conviction
that the country cannot go
backwards, but rather
consolidate the gains of
recent years.
One of the highlight of this
issue is the interview
conceded by our colleague
Cleto Vanderlei Macht
Brutes, to our collaborator
Orson Peter Carrara.
Vanderlei is from Santo
Ângelo-RS and he
collaborates with the
Spiritist Group “Seara do
Mestre”. In the interview he
speaks about the studying as
well as the spiritist
dissemination activities
held by the above mentioned
Another highlight of this
edition is the analysis of
the book “Heirs to the New
World” done by our colleague
José Passini, from Juiz de
Fora-MG. The book’s author
is the Spirit Lucius and has
been psycographed by André
Luiz Ruiz.
The movie “The Letters
Psycographed by Chico
Xavier”, directed by
Cristiana Grumbach, has been
launched on the 05th of
November. The film brings
testemonials of people who
have changed the course of
their lives because of the
spiritual comfort received
through the medium Chico
Xavier. The launching of
the movie is also one of the
highlights of this edition.
It begins in this issue the
study of the book
Socialism and Spiritism,
by Léon Denis, which is a
classic of Spiritism. The
book translation was done by
Wallace Leal V. Rodrigues
and published by
Casa Editora O Clarim.