A chat with Neide
This week’s editorial is
entitled Warning Signs.
It talks about obsession and
the signs that can indicate
the beginning of an
obsessive process and its
sad consequences.
Our colleague Orson Peter
Carrara has interviewed
Neide Marisa Brandt, from
São Joaquim (Santa Catarina
state- Brazil). In the
interview, the spiritist
leader speaks about the
spiritist movement in city
of São Joaquim. This place
is famous in Brazil because
of its intense winter and
cold temperatures.
Another highlight of this
issue is the Especial from
Rogério Coelho, from the
city of Muriaé (Minas Gerais
state- Brazil). The article
is about moral development
and the importance of
reincarnation in the
evolutionary process. The
article was split into two
parts. The second part will
be published in the next
The IX FEMEU - Spiritist
Music Festival of Uberaba –
was held in the city of
Uberaba (Minas Gerais state-
Brazil) on the 13th
November. The full article
about the event is part of
this issue and one of its
The well known writer and
spiritist leader Edgard
Armond passed away on 29th
November 1982, when he was
88 years old. Edgard was
born in the city of
Guaratinguetá (Sao Paulo
state- Brazil) and he was
responsible for the
foundation of the Spiritist
Federation of Sao Paulo (FEESP)
as well as the first courses
on mediumship education.