Divaldo Franco visits
This week’s editorial The
Spiritism view of afterlife
explains the close
relationship between the
spiritual world and the
world we live.
Amongst the highlights of
this issue is the interview
that Mara Marques Sucena de
Almeida, from Sao Paulo,
conceded to our colleague
Orson Peter Carrara. In the
interview Mara speaks about
her experience with
evangelization of the youth
and also about the
importance of using
audiovisual resources in the
spiritist study meetings.
Another highlight of this
issue is the conclusion of
the Especial from Rogério
Coelho, from the city of
Muriaé (Minas Gerais state-
Brazil). The article is
about moral development and
the importance of
reincarnation in the
evolutionary process. The
first part was published in
the last edition.
Divaldo P. Franco has given
a lecture on the 27th
November in the State of
Parana – Brazil , as shown
in the article written by
Paul Salerno, which is part
of this edition.
Humberto de Campos Veras has
died on 05th December 1934.
He was a writer, journalist,
politician and also a member
of the Brazilian Academy of
Letters. Humberto de Campos
got famous in the spiritist
movement after writing
important books through the
medium Francisco Cândido