In this
Edition, a brief history of
medium Maria Geny Barbosa
“What will come after
here's the title of
the Editorial Board of the
week that reminds us that
life in the spiritual world
is not a goal to be achieved
but only one of the phases
of multiple experiences that
man ought to face, on the
roadway towards perfection.
Among the great
contributions to this
Edition we would like to
draw your attention to the
interview granted to our
correspondent, Guaraci Lima
Silveira, by our fellow
spiritist Maria Geny
Barbosa, from Juiz de fora -
M.G., who is now 81 years
old, and whose advice and
comforting words have worked
as balsams minimizing the
sorrows of all those she has
assisted and all those she
still assists, for all her
We highlight the Special
section with article by
fellow researcher Dr. Nubor
Orlando Facure, about
spiritual diseases. In this
second chapter, Dr. Facure
comes to his conclusion,
explaining to us that the
healing of spiritual
problems implies the
re-education of the spirit.
According to him, merely
symptom removal would bring
either an immediate relief
or an amelioration, but all
of temporary effect.
In the year just ended,
which was the 150th
anniversary of the Spiritist
Magazine, launched in 1860,
the event has called the
attention of our colleague,
Enrique Eliseo Baldovino,
who has prepared an
interesting study about the
subject, another highlight
of this edition.
January 9th is the birthday
celebration of Ernesto
Bozzano, born in 1862 in the
city of Genova in Italy.
Bozzano, who died on June 24
1943, matches up beside
Allan Kardec, Léon Denis and
Gabriel Dellane, as one of
the so called group of
“principal spiritists
authors”, writers of all