Featured in this issue “The
misconceptions of Astrology”
“What is the mission of the
spiritist press?” –It is the
title of the editorial in
this issue, which examines
the role of the spiritist
press at present, when
confusion and doubt are rife
in various sectors of
spiritist activities.
Particularly with regards to
the profusion in production
of automatic writing books,
which have been published
without care and criteria,
in relation to the standards
recommended by Kardec and
other eminent pillars of the
spiritist literary.
Among the highlights of the
week we would like to call
the reader's attention to
the interview that our
fellow spiritists from Goias
state, Joel Francisco Pires
and Eduardo Correa Borges,
gave to our correspondent
Orson Peter Carrara. Living
for many years in São José
dos Campos-SP, where they
participate in various
spiritist activities, they
are sharing with us
information about the
traditional Spiritist Book
Fair in the city, which is
reaching, this year, its
40th annual edition.
Another highlight is the
special by Gerson Simões
Monteiro, reporting on the
studies of American
astronomer Parke Kunkle,
professor at the Minneapolis
Community & Technical
Centre. The studies’ purpose
is to show the errors that
astrologers have made
throughout the centuries,
having based their
practices on an astrological
sky map, that has nothing to
do with the real sky map
from Astronomy.
Last Sunday, the 20th of
February, in Londrina,
another meeting of Northern
Inter-regional was held.
The event was chaired by Mr
Francisco Ferraz Batista,
President of the Spiritist
Federation of Paraná,
gathering spiritist workers,
residing in the northern
part of Parana state. The
summary of the meeting is
also one of the highlights
of the week.
On February 27th ,
in the year 1853, in Rio de
Janeiro-RJ, was born
Francisco de Menezes Dias da
Cruz. He is remembered as an
outstanding homeopathic
doctor and as a President of
the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation, serving from
1890 to 1895.
Dr. Dias da Cruz died in Rio
de Janeiro on September
30th, 1937, 84 years