Neto discusses the theme
The title of this week’s
editorial is “What is
required for the stability
of a spiritist group,
which highlights the
conditions that, according
to Allan Kardec, are
essential to the vitality
and stability of a spiritist
Our interview this week is
with Lucy Ramos Dias, from
Juiz de Fora-MG. In the
interview granted to our
colleague Orson Peter
Carrara, Lucy talks about
her new book "Larger Than
Life", where she
recounts her experience with
the illness and death of her
eldest daughter who
struggled with cancer for
five years. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another highlight of this
edition is the special
article of Paul Neto on the
subject Possession, where he
describes and comments on
the evolution of Kardec’s
thinking on the subject. The
article was divided into two
parts. The conclusion will
be published next week.
A new meeting of the
Inter-Regional Centre, which
comprises the Regional
Spiritist Unions from that
region of the state of
Paraná, was held on April 10th
in União da Vitoria-PR. The
story about the meeting is
also one of the highlights
of this edition.
This day - April 24th
- records one more
anniversary of the
desencarnation of Deolindo
Amorim, which occurred in
1984. Born in Baixa Grande,
Bahia on January 23, 1906,
Deolindo passed away in Rio
de Janeiro, where he majored
in sociology and came to
learn about the spiritist
doctrine. Journalist,
lecturer and writer, he
envisioned and organized in
1939 the First Brazilian
Congress of Spiritist
Journalists and Writers.
Deolindo was also the
founder of the Institute of
Spiritist Culture of Brazil.