The discussion about the
identity of André Luiz is
This week’s editorial, “The
violence in the world we
live” discusses the issue of
violence in light of the
Spiritist doctrine and its
causes on the planet we
Among the features of this
issue, we call the reader's
attention to the interview
that our colleague Guaraci
de Lima Silveira, from Juiz
de Fora, MG, granted to
Orson Peter Carrara.
Author and theater director
with extensive experience in
this area, and medium with
two published books, the
colleague from Minas Gerais
talks about these and other
issues, including his work
as a Spiritist speaker.
Another feature of this
edition is the special
article about the
controversy over the
identity of André Luiz,
author of "Our Home",
who some people associate
with the physician Carlos
Chagas, disincarnated in
1934. The article highlights
four points that strengthen
the argument that the idea
that Carlos Chagas is the
spiritual author of the
series "Noso Lar" is
The USI - Unione Spiritica
Italiana, presided by Evi
Alborghetti, is celebrating
three years of existence, as
reported in the story by
Claudia Werdine, another one
of the features of the
On this date - May 22nd
- the calendar lists the
birth of the renowned author
and physician Sir Arthur
Ignatius Conan Doyle. He was
born in 1859 in the city of
Edinburgh. Creator of the
famous detective Sherlock
Holmes, Conan Doyle, author
of “The History of
Spiritualism”, was also a
prominent Spiritist